Find a ticket

You can use the search and filters to find a ticket on the Ticket List screen.

The Ticket List screen shows all the tickets that you or others at your company have opened.
  1. At the top, click My Tickets.
    The Ticket List screen appears.
  2. To filter the tickets, do the following:
    • To see tickets that you opened, click My Tickets.
    • To see tickets that your company opened, click Company Tickets.
    • To see all tickets, click All Tickets.
    • To see only closed tickets, click Closed Tickets.
    • To see only open tickets, click Open Tickets.
  3. To sort the tickets in ascending or descending order based on a column, click any column heading.
    For example, clicking Title sorts the tickets alphabetically by title.
  4. To search for a ticket in the list, enter keywords from the title or a ticket number in the search.
  5. Optional: If you want to export the list of tickets, do the following:
    1. Click Export Ticket List.
    2. Select a file type.
    3. Click Download File.