Modify a Content Store file

To modify a Content Store configuration file, you must check out a workable copy, save it to your local workspace, update it, and then check it back in.

File access uses three discrete actions:

  1. Check out, which locks the file and identifies you as the current owner of the file
  2. Check in, which saves the file, unlocks the file, and returns to the Content Store so its copy updates
  3. Undo check out, which discards any changes

To modify a Content Store file:

  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Click the arrow beside the Content Store to expand its file hierarchy.
  3. Click the arrow beside the Repository folder to expands its file hierarchy. Most of the files that you will need are located in these folders, in particular the system folder.
  4. Locate the file that you need, right-click it and click Check Out.
  5. Double-click the file to open it in the editor, modify it, and then save the file. To save the file, click the Save button in the menu bar.
    The file is saved to your local workspace.
    Tip: If, after modifying a file, you decide not to keep your changes, right-click the file and select Undo Check Out.
  6. To send the changes to the Content Store, you must check in your file. To check in the file, right-click it and click Check In.
    The file is updated in the Content Store and unlocked so that other users can modify it.
    Note: If you made any changes to the contents of the /system collection, inform your users of the changes and request any that were running CCMS Desktop to close and reopen it for the changes to take effect. Have an administrator refresh IXIA CCMS Web Server so that users will see the change reflected there.