Give administrator privileges to a user

A setting in the users.xml file determines whether a user has access to the Administration functions of IXIA CCMS Web.

Add a user to the System Administrators group within users.xml to give the user access to the Administration interface.

  1. From the Administration menu, click User Management.
  2. Click Edit.
    A message appears saying "users.xml has been checked out."
  3. Click Ctrl + F within the users.xml window to open a search dialog, and then enter the first or last name of the user. Click Enter.
    The file scrolls to the first match that appears, and the name is highlighted.
  4. Add <group name="System Administrators"> within the <groups> section for that user.
    The result should look similar to the following example:
    		<group name="System Administrators"/>
    		   <group name="Everyone"/>
  5. Click Save.
    A message appears saying: "users.xml has been saved and checked in."
The next time this user launches CCMS Web, the Administration functions will be available.