Return the entire temp folder when generating output

Normally, when you generate an output, IXIA CCMS Output Generator includes only the output itself and the build logs in the zip file that the user receives or downloads from IXIA CCMS Web. In some cases, it can be useful to receive the entire temp folder for troubleshooting purposes.

CCMS Output Generator includes a parameter, include.temp, that allows you to request the entire temp folder when generating an output. You can implement this parameter in one of two ways:

  1. Add it directly to an output target with a hardcoded value that applies in all cases when the output type is selected
  2. Add it to a preprocessor as a user parameter so that users can decide on an output-by-output basis whether to request the temp folder

Here are examples of both approaches.

Add the parameter to an output target

In the target that is called by the appropriate output type, add the highlighted line:

<target name="client.pdfwrapper" depends="default_dependencies, flatten, resolve_container_keyref, extract_HiRes_images">

	<property name="outgen.job.userparam.include.temp" value="true"/>


Possible values are:

  • true - the temp folder is returned to the user
  • false - only the output and logs are returned to the user

You do not need to restart CCMS Output Generator.

Add the parameter to a preprocessor

In the preprocessor that is called by the appropriate output type, add the highlighted lines:

<preprocessor name="pdfwrapper" class="com.ixiasoft.outputgenerator.preprocessor.AntProcessor" >
			<parameter name="buildfile" value="/conductor-client.xml"/>
			<parameter name="target" value="client.pdfwrapper"/>
			<parameter name="clean" value="job_postprocess"/>
			<parameter name="keep.log.files" value="true"/>
			<parameter label="Return temp folder?" name="include.temp" mandatory="false" type="choice">
				<value name="false" _default="true">No</value>
				<value name="true">Yes</value>
Note: (If the <user> section is already present, you must add the parameter to it. Do not add a second <user> section.)

When the parameter is specified in the preprocessor, the conductor file does not need to be modified.

You do not need to restart CCMS Output Generator.