Add a server to the Administration Console

To manage a IXIA TEXTML Server instance, you add it to the Administration Console.

Each server entity in the TEXTML Server Administration Console represents a TEXTML Server instance. While more than one TEXTML Server instance may share the same physical server, each instance will have its own server entity and be identified by its own unique port number.

To add a server:

  1. Open the TEXTML Server Administration Console.
  2. Click the Add Server icon: Add server icon.
    The Add Server dialog appears.
    Figure: Adding a server

    Note: Version indicates the TEXTML Server version and currently cannot be changed.
  3. Beside Server, enter the name of the server where you installed the TEXTML Server component.
    Note: If you are using Kerberos, you must enter the machine name (for example, continuix); do not enter an IP address.
  4. Beside Port, enter the port number for the TEXTML Server instance.
    The default port number is 2500. Each TEXTML Server instance installed on the same machine must have a unique port number.
  5. If you use secure socket layer (SSL) encryption for communications, select Use Secure Connection.
    Do not select the Use Secure Connection option unless you have previously set up security certificates and a private key. SSL port, certificate paths and other details are configured through the TextmlServerCfg.xml file.
  6. Click OK.
The server appears in the TEXTML Administration pane.