Spell checking maps and documents
You can spell check selected topics and maps without opening them by simply right-clicking the topic or map and selecting Spellcheck.
- Number of errors found in the spellchecked documents
- For each spelling error, the following information is provided:
- Misspelled word
- Number of occurrences of the misspelled word
- Document in which the misspelled word was found
Case sensitivity
The Spellchecker works with any language configured for your deployment.
To determine the dictionary used to spell check a
document, the Spellchecker uses the value of the xml:language
attribute in the root element of the map or topic. For
example, consider the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//IXIA//DTD IXIA DITA Composite//EN" "IxiaDitabase.dtd">
<concept id="lar1397660192605" xml:lang="en-us">
<title ixia_locid="1">Troubleshooting the Tomcat installation</title>
The en-us dictionary will be used to spell check that document, and custom words will be added to the en-us custom dictionary.
Skipped elements
By default, the spell checker skips the contents specified in the
and <codeph>
elements. This is configurable per deployment, so check
with your CMS Administrator for the list of skipped elements.