Release information
This topic describes the structure of a release XML file.
When you create a release, you specify the following fields:
- Release name
- Release description
Note: Some of the fields must not be modified manually (such as the versions that a
release contains), otherwise the Content Store will be corrupted.
Please contact IXIASOFT before modifying the release file manually.
Name | Description | Content model |
Release | Root element of release definition files. Provides a unique ID for
each release definition file. Do not modify this element. |
Release name | Current release name. | For
Release description | A short description of the release. | For
Release aliases | Internal names or past names of the release. | For
Versions | Links to versions for this release. The attribute value of this field
needs to be unique within each release file. Do not modify this field. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE release PUBLIC "-//IXIA//DTD IXIA DITA Release//EN" "release.dtd">
<release id="zbv1441205235251" xml:lang="en-us">
<description>Release 4.1 of the Acme</description>
<version href="vcw1441205259644.version"/>
<version href="gbt1441810964810.version"/>
<version href="doh1441826732835.version"/>
<version href="vmw1441826877571.version"/>
<version href="jxa1441977889302.version"/>
<version href="tvq1441978091160.version"/>
<version href="axq1441978102868.version"/>