IXIASOFT CCMS Web Server hardware requirements

The hardware required for IXIA CCMS Web Server varies with the number of concurrent users.

The recommendations are as follows:

Area Requirement
  • Minimum: 4 GB of RAM for up to 100 users and then 20 Mb per additional concurrent user
  • Recommended: 8 GB of RAM
  • For >200 concurrent users, consider using multiple web servers with a load balancer, which provides redundancy for maintenance and other advantages.
  • Four cores for the first 50 users, and then two cores per additional 50 concurrent users
  • For >200 concurrent users, consider using multiple web servers with a load balancer, which provides redundancy for maintenance and other advantages.
  • 2 GB for the CCMS Web application on SSD drives or high-performance RAID arrays
  • Plus appropriate storage for outputs: the size varies with typical output size, output frequency, and retention duration