Install and start the IXIASOFT Output Generator service (Linux)

This procedure describes how to install and start the IXIA CCMS Output Generator service on a Linux server.

Note: Some of these steps require root permissions.
  1. To customize the CCMS Output Generator application name and description:
    1. Open the CCMS Output Generator executable file (located in the %OutputGenDir%/bin directory in a text editor; for example, /opt/ixiasoft/OutputGenerators/prod_[version]/bin/; where [version] is replaced by the current release version number).
      If this is the first time that you are installing the CCMS Output Generator, open the file and save it as (remove the .empty suffix).
    2. Set the APP_NAME field to your application name:

      For example:

      Note: Embedded space characters are not allowed.
    3. Set the APP_LONG_NAME field to the detailed name of the application:

      For example:

      APP_LONG_NAME="Ixiasoft Output Generator" 
  2. By default, the service is run as the default user. To run the service as another user, uncomment and set the RUN_AS_USER field to the user name.
    For example:
    Note: Make sure that the user has the required privileges to write to the logs, pid, and temp folders.
  3. Save and close
  4. To make all required files executable, run the file located in the %OutputGenDir%/bin directory of the CCMS Output Generator. For example:
    sh /opt/ixiasoft/OutputGenerators/prod_[version]/bin/

    Where [version] is replaced by the current release version number.

  5. As root, install the system service:
    /opt/ixiasoft/OutputGenerators/prod_[version]/bin/ install

    Where [version] is replaced by the current release version number.

  6. As root, reload the system configuration:
    systemctl daemon-reload
  7. As root, start the CCMS Output Generator service:
    systemctl start [APP_NAME]

    Where [APP_NAME] is the name you set for the CCMS Output Generator service.

  8. To confirm that the CCMS Output Generator started correctly, open the %OutputGenDir%/logs/wrapper.log file.
    For example:
    You should see the following message:
    CCMS Output Generator is ready to process requests
    If this message is not displayed, the log should provide more information as to why the CCMS Output Generator cannot be started.