How can I add a column to show all of the image formats?

You can create an index to display the different image formats.


I want to display columns in my Search Results view that will show Image Type, Image Source, Image Hires, and Image Lowres.


In the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file.
    CAUTION: Be careful when editing the Index Definition document. Changes can significantly affect the indexing process, and any errors in the document can lead to data corruption or other errors. Consult with IXIASOFT Customer Support before making changes if you are unsure.
  2. Add indexes for the different image formats configured on your Content Store. For example, to add LowRes, HiRes, and Source, add the following:
    <index NAME="lowres">
       <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element XPATH="concat(//imageinfo[formatname='LowRes']/mime-type,' ',//imageinfo[formatname='LowRes']/width,'x',//imageinfo[formatname='LowRes']/height)" DEPTH="INFINITE"/>
    <index NAME="hires">
       <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element XPATH="concat(//imageinfo[formatname='HiRes']/mime-type,' ',//imageinfo[formatname='HiRes']/width,'x',//imageinfo[formatname='HiRes']/height)" DEPTH="INFINITE"/>
    <index NAME="source">
       <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element XPATH="concat(//imageinfo[formatname='Source']/mime-type,' ',//imageinfo[formatname='Source']/width,'x',//imageinfo[formatname='Source']/height)" DEPTH="INFINITE"/>
    The imagetype index should already exist, if it does not, add the following:
    <index NAME="imagetype">
       <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//imagetype"/>
  3. To add the indexes to the display columns, edit the system/conf/display.xml file and add and entry for each image format. For example, to add a column for LowRes, HiRes, and Source, add the following:
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Image Type" name="imagetype" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="175"/>
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Image Source" name="source" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="175"/>
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Image Hires" name="hires" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="175"/>
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Image Lowres" name="lowres" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="175"/>
  4. When the indexing is complete, restart your IXIA CCMS Desktop.
  5. Add the new columns to your Search Results view.