Log files and other information that may be requested by IXIASOFT Support

The following is a list of the types of log and configuration files that IXIASOFT Customer Support may request when diagnosing an issue.

Table 1. IXIASOFT CCMS Web-related logs/information
Name of Log/Information Type How to Access It
Tomcat log files <web install dir>\apache-tomcat-<version>\logs
Video with browser console logs

1. In the browser, press F12.

2. Click the Console tab.

Start recording a video.

Reproduce the issue.

3. In the console pane, right-click, and select Save As.

Name of browser For example: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera.
IXIASOFT CCMS Web Server version Click System Information located at the bottom of the login screen.

For more information on finding the version number of IXIASOFT CCMS components, see: Where can I find the version number for the MadCap IXIA CCMS components?.

Table 2. IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop-related logs/information
Name of Log/Information Type How to Access It
Report issue feature
To access the Report issue feature, do the following:
  1. Click Help > Report CCMS Issue.
  2. Attach the resulting .zip file to the OTRS ticket.
Debug logs

To create a debug log file, do the following:

  1. Close IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
  2. In your workspace, create an empty file called debug.txt.
  3. Start IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
  4. Reproduce the problem.
  5. Close IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
  6. Attach the debug log files (DITA_CMS.log, DITA_CMS-<date>.mem, and DITA_CMS-<date>.timers) from the workspace to the OTRS ticket, and indicate the time of the test.
Table 3. IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator-related logs/information
Name of Log/Information Type How to Access It
Wrapper log file <OG directory>/logs/wrapper.log
Output temp directory from debug mode

1. In the IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator data folder rename outgen-init-debug.xml.orig to outgen-init-debug.xml.

2. Generate an output.

3. In the main CCMS Output Generator directory there is a \temp folder that contains each individual output job.

Output Generator configuration files Zip the <OG directory> minus the temp and logs folders.
Content Store configuration files Your Index Definition file and the system folder exported from the TEXTML Administration perspective.
Map export
  1. In the DITA perspective, right-click the map that fails to generate.
  2. Click Generate Output.
    • For a Standard installation, click Export.
    • For a DRM installation, click Export DRM.
Version of the CCMS Output Generator
  1. On the server, browse to the Output Generator \libs directory.

    For example, D:\Ixiasoft\OutputGenerator\prod\libs.

  2. Right-click outputgenerator.jar, and select 7-Zip > Open archive.
  3. Double-click the META-INF folder.
  4. Drag the MANIFEST.MF file to your desktop, and open it in a text editor.
  5. The version is listed beside Implementation-Version.
Table 4. IXIASOFT CCMS Scheduler-related logs/information
Name of Log/Information Type How to Access It
List of jobs that are not working For example, "DITACMSActivityReport" or "DailyReminder".
Wrapper log file <Scheduler directory>/logs/wrapper.log
Configuration files Zip the contents of the <Scheduler directory>/conf folder.
List of triggers In TEXTML Administration perspective, the system/conf/triggers.xml file
Contents of CCMS Scheduler outbox In TEXTML Administration perspective, the scheduler/outbox folder
Table 5. IXIASOFT TEXTML Server-related logs/information
Name of Log/Information Type How to Access It
TEXTML Server log files

Windows: C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer<ver>\Log\<date>_textml_log.txt

Linux: /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/<instance-name>/log/<textml-instance-name>.log
TEXTML Server logcall log files These are disabled by default. To enable the logcalls log, edit the TextmlServerCfg.xml file setting that says: <LogCalls>False</LogCalls> to <LogCalls>True</LogCalls>. The resulting logcallsYYYY-MM-DD.txt will appear in the TEXTML Server log directory.
TEXTML Server configuration file C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer<ver>\TextmlServerCfg.xml
Windows System Logs for application and system For information on how to save Windows System logs, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/​host-integration-server/core/how-to-save-event-logs1
TEXTML Server version To obtain the version of TEXTML Server that is being used, look for the Version column in the Windows Control Panel listing of installed programs. For example: