Configure the version of the DITA-OT used by default

IXIA CCMS Output Generator now includes the file, which defines the default DITA Open Toolkit used to generate output for the transformation scenarios.

In particular, this file defines:
  • The version of the DITA-OT that will be used to generate the MadCap Software and DITA-OT transformation scenarios that are stored in the conductor-ixia.xml and conductor-ot.xml files.
  • The version of the DITA-OT used for your client transformation scenarios, unless you override the outgen.ot.version property in the conductor file (e.g., in your conductor-client.xml client conductor file). The value of the outgen.ot.version property set in the conductor file takes precedence over all other values defined for this property.
To set a default DITA-OT version:
  1. Open the %OutputGenDir%/data/ file.
    Note: If this is the first time that you are modifying the file, open the file and save it as (remove the .orig suffix).
  2. Set the value of the outgen.ot.version property to the default DITA-OT you want to use.
    For example:
    # Property file for the ANT scripting
    # Any property defined in this file will have priority over any other
    # property defined in any ANT script file, except for the one defined in the
    # wrapper.conf in the section "Java Additional Parameters".
    #The property is now optional
  3. Save and close the file.