Configure Output Generator to use RenderX XEP engine

You can configure IXIA CCMS Output Generator to generate PDF files using the RenderX XEP engine.

Note: This procedure assumes that you have downloaded the RenderX XEP engine and that you have a license for it, as required.

To use the RenderX XEP engine:

  1. Install the rendering engine on the CCMS Output Generator server.
    By default, XEP is installed in the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP 
  2. Open the %OutputGenDir%/data/outgen-init-client.xml file.
    Note: If this is the first time that you are modifying the outgen-init-client.xml file, open the outgen-init-client.xml.orig file and save it as outgen-init-client.xml (remove the .orig suffix).
    Important: Do not update the outgen-init.xml file. Always update the outgen-init-client.xml file. This separation ensures that your customization does not get overwritten when you update CCMS Output Generator.
  3. Locate the line that contains the outgen.job.default.pdf.formatter property.
    For example:
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.default.pdf.formatter" value=""/>-->
  4. Uncomment the line and set the property to xep.
    For example:
    <property name="outgen.job.default.pdf.formatter" value="xep"/>
  5. Locate the properties identified as * Config for xep.
    For example:
    * Config for xep
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.xep.dir" location="/usr/local/RenderX/XEP"/>-->
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.xep.dir" location="C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP"/>-->
    <!-- If you need a custom setting file for different output types,
         do not set the value here; set it instead in each target that calls the renderer. -->
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.custom.xep.config" location="${outgen.resources.dir.client}/xep.xml"/>-->
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.custom.xep.memory" value="1024m"/>-->
  6. Uncomment each property and set it as follows:
    • outgen.job.xep.dir: Set this property to the location of the XEP program
    • outgen.job.custom.xep.config: If you are using a custom XEP configuration, set this property to the location of the XEP settings file. MadCap Software recommends that you store this configuration file in the %OutputGenDir%/data/resources/client directory. To use the standard XEP configuration, leave this property uncommented.
    • outgen.job.custom.xep.memory: Specifies the maximum memory available for the JVM that runs the RenderX XEP engine to generate the PDF. By default, if you do not configure this parameter, 500 Mb is available for the transformation.
    For example, on Windows, you could set the properties as follows:
    * Config for xep
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.xep.dir" location="/usr/local/RenderX/XEP"/>-->
    <property name="outgen.job.xep.dir" location="C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP"/>
    <!-- If you need a custom setting file for different output types,
         do not set the value here; set it instead in each target that calls the renderer. -->
    <!--<property name="outgen.job.custom.xep.config" location="${outgen.resources.dir.client}/xep.xml"/>-->
    <property name="outgen.job.custom.xep.memory" value="1024m"/>
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. Open the conductor file that contains the PDF target (for example, %OutputGenDir%/data/conductor-acme.xml).
  9. Locate the target that calls the PDF transformation scenario and make sure that the target includes the ot_build_add_pdfrenderer target.
    This target configures the PDF renderer information in the build.xml file.
    For example:
    <target name="dita2pdfwrapper" depends="default_dependencies, flatten, resolve_container_keyref, extract_HiRes_images">
       <antcall target="ot_build_create"/>
       <antcall target="ot_build_add_pdfrenderer"/>
       <antcall target="ot_build_add_ditaval_ifpresent"/>
       <antcall target="ot_build_clean_ot_temp"/>
       <antcall target="ot_build_keep_topicfo"/>
  10. Save and close the conductor file.
    You can now generate PDF files using the RenderX XEP engine.