Uninstall a Windows instance of IXIASOFT TEXTML Server

In Windows, you use the Control Panel to uninstall the IXIASOFT TEXTML Server service after noting what user it runs under.

  1. Identify the user under which the TEXTML Server service is running:
    The default value is Local Service, but you might have changed that default. If you are updating TEXTML Server, you need to know the name of the user later.
    1. Open the Services window.
    2. Right-click the Ixiasoft Textml Server service and select Properties.
      The service name is one of the following:
      Version Windows service name
      For TEXTML Server and later versions Ixiasoft Textml Server version x.x, where x.x is the installed version
      Any version prior to TEXTML Server TEXTML Server version x.x, where x.x is the installed version
    3. In the Log On tab, note the name in the This account box.
  2. Uninstall it:
    1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
    2. Right-click the instance of the software that you want to uninstall.
      The software name is TextmlServer Version x.x where x.x is the installed version.
    3. Click Uninstall.