Cut and paste objects in a map

You can cut an object or element from one location in a map and paste it in another location while in Structure view. You can use this to move sections with several objects.

  1. Find the object or element that you want to cut and paste.
    If the object or element has child objects or elements, they are moved as well. The child objects or elements keep the same hierarchy and organization when pasted.
  2. In the Map Edit column for the object or element, click Cut icon.
    A message appears telling you what was cut. All the objects or elements that were cut are highlighted in the map.
    Tip: To cancel the action, click Cut icon again.
  3. Find another object or element at the location where you want to paste the content.
  4. In the Map Edit column for the object or element, click Paste icon and select one of the insert options.
    • Above: pastes the content before the object or element
    • Below: pastes the content after the object or element
    • Inside: pastes the content as a child of the object or element
The content is pasted in the new location.