How can I prevent Java heap space errors when performing large client actions like publishing, localizing, and DRM renaming and cloning?

You can increase the amount of memory allocated to IXIASOFT CCMS.


When publishing, localizing, or DRM cloning a large map, a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error appears.


  1. Restart IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop to clear the cache.
  2. If the issue persists, close IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
  3. In your installation folder, edit the eclipse.ini file.
  4. Increase the -Xmx1024m value to -Xmx4096m.
  5. Try the localize, publish, or DRM clone operation again.
  6. If it still fails, increase the value to -Xmx8192m.
    Note: In order to increase the memory allocated, make sure that you have enough physical RAM installed on your computer.
    Note: After each failed attempt, the partially created content needs to be unlocked or removed from IXIASOFT CCMS. Contact IXIASOFT Support if you need assistance.