CCMS Web Server software requirements

The IXIASOFT CCMS Web Server has few software requirements because the core software is automatically installed.

Operating systems

A server that hosts CCMS Web Server should run one of the following versions of Linux or Windows:

  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®/CentOS Linux version 7.x 64-bit
  • Windows Server® 2016 is recommended, but the following are supported:
    • Windows Server® 2012 R2 64-bit
    • Windows Server® 2012 64-bit
    • Windows Server® 2008 R2 64-bit

CCMS Web Server

You do not need to separately install Tomcat, Java, or Oxygen XML Web Author for CCMS Web Server. The following software is automatically installed by the CCMS Web Server install script:

  • Apache® Tomcat® 9 (9.0.73)
  • Java® JDK 11, 64-bit
  • Oxygen XML Web Author 25.1.0

Reverse proxy software is required if you require encryption for all communication on the CCMS Web Server.

Content Store

You must use the same major and minor version of the IXIASOFT CCMS Content Store as the major and minor version of CCMS Web Server that you use.

Oxygen framework extensions

You can customize Oxygen XML Web Author framework extenions. However, some customizations might not be compatible with every version of Oxygen XML Web Author framework.

IXIASOFT recommends using the version of Oxygen XML Web Author framework in your deployment as the basis for all customizations.