Add an index to a custom column

In IXIASOFT CCMS Web, the information that appears in each column of the Dynamic Grid is based on an index. The Dynamic Grid has some default columns configured, but you can make additional indexes available as columns.

You can add custom columns by configuring additionalColumnDefinitions.xml. In the file, you can define which indexes to use as the basis for additional columns.
  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Expand the Content Store's Repository node, and locate the additionalColumnDefinitions.xml file in the /system/webplatform/configuration/ collection.

    If the file does not exist, you can get a template for it from the CCMS_ContentStoreConfiguration directory of the IXIASOFT Downloads site:

  3. Check out the file and open it for editing.
  4. As a child element of <columnDefinitions>, add a <columnDefinition> element and give it an indexName attribute and value.
    The value for the indexName attribute should be the name of an index defined in index-definition.xml that also appears in the <summary NAME="ixiasoftccmssummary"> section, for example:
    <columnDefinition indexName="assigned_roles">	

    You can use any index defined in that section.

  5. Add a columnType attribute and value.
    The value for the columnType attribute depends on the index and the type of information to display. Choose one of the following:
    • date
    • numeric
    • string
    • time
  6. For the <columnDefinition> element, add a <captions> element and one <caption> element for each language users use in CCMS Web.
    For example:
    <columnDefinition indexName="assigned_roles" columnType="string"> 
    		<caption lang="en"/>
    		<caption lang="de"/>
              <caption lang="ja"/>
  7. For each <caption> element, add a displayText attribute, where the value is the UI string that users see and select in CCMS Web for that language.
    For example:
    <columnDefinition indexName="assigned_roles" columnType="string"> 
    		<caption lang="en" displayText="Assigned To"/>
    		<caption lang="de" displayText="Zugewiesenen Rollen"/>
              <caption lang="ja" displayText="割り当てられた役割"/>
  8. Save, close, and check in the file.
  9. Refresh CCMS Web.