Create a new map template

Map templates allow users to produce documents with a consistent structure and appearance, without duplication of effort. For example, you can set up map templates with the company's standard cover, legal notices, and frontmatter, to which members of the documentation team can add content.

In IXIASOFT CCMS Web and IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop, the templates are available when a user creates a new map. This allows users to create new maps with that template's structure.

You can also incorporate variables into the map template which can be replaced by actual values when a map is created. The variables act as placeholders for content entered or selected by users as they create a map.

Note: You should make these configuration changes in the Test environment and test them before copying them to the Production environment. In a dedicated SaaS deployment, after testing the changes, ask IXIASOFT Customer Support to copy the changes to the Production environment.
  1. Create a map with the required cover and frontmatter, plus any other content that will be common to all documents based on this template.
    Tip: If using an existing map as your starting point, create a copy and rename it (for example, ProductATemplate). In CCMS Desktop you can clone the map and then modify it.
    CAUTION: Avoid references to topics or images that can vary from document to document, because if these or their dependent images are deleted, maps created with the template will have errors.
  2. Export the map from IXIASOFT CCMS:
    1. Right-click the map and select Generate Output.

      The Generate Output window appears.

    2. From the Output Format drop-down menu, select Export.
    3. Click Create.
    4. In the Save As dialog, choose a path to a local folder.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Open the location and unzip the file if necessary.
    1. For the map, click .
    2. Select Generate Output.
    3. From the Output type drop-down menu, select Export.
    4. Click Generate.
    5. Go to your My Outputs page.
    6. On the My Outputs page, click for the map.
    7. Save the downloaded file to a local folder.
    8. Open the location and unzip the file if necessary.
    The file is saved locally and given a system name (typically a numerical string) and the suffix ditamap.
  3. Rename the exported map filename so the template can be easily recognized by users.
  4. Open the template map in a text editor.
  5. Strip out all ixia_locid attributes and their values.
    For example: ixia_locid="6".

    If you are using an editor that uses regular expressions, you can use the following expression to find all instances: \b(ixia_locid)( |=)=? ?"\d+\b". This matches all occurrences of the ixia_locid attribute, along with values that have any number of digits.

  6. Remove the <containerref> element.
    This applies only if your deployment of IXIASOFT CCMS uses IXIASOFT Dynamic Release Management, and you want to edit the file inOxygen XML Editor.
    Note:  Remember to add a <containerref/> element back before you upload the template into IXIASOFT CCMS. The template will not work without a <containerref/> element.
  7. If the template might be used in IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop, add template variables:
    Important: The map template must include the ID, language, and title as variables, or the map created from the template will be invalid.
    1. Delete the existing map ID attribute value and replace it with the following variable: {{}}
      For example:
      <bookmap id="{{}}" xml:lang="en-us">
    2. Delete the existing xml:lang attribute value and replace it with the following variable: {{ixia.xml:lang}}
      For example:
      <bookmap id="{{}}" xml:lang="{{ixia.xml:lang}}">
    3. Delete the existing title and replace it with the following variable: {{ixia.title}}
      For example:
      Note: For bookmaps, put the variable in the <mainbooktitle> element:
    4. If your organization has custom template variables, add those variables to the template.
  8. Save the template.
  9. Open the TEXTML Administration perspective and connect to the server.
  10. Navigate to /system/templates/maps.
    Depending on how your templates are organized, you might need to navigate to a subfolder, such as web or desktop.
  11. If subfolders do not exist, you can create them by right-clicking the maps folder and selecting Create Collection.
    You can use subfolders to organize your templates or differentiate between templates for CCMS Desktop and those for CCMS Web.
  12. Right-click the maps collection and select Insert Documents.
    The Insert Documents Dialog appears.
  13. Click Add File and browse to your desktop.
    1. Select the file.
    2. Right-click the file and rename it (for example, ProductATemplate.ditamap); press Enter.
    3. Click Open.
    The file path and name appear under Import As.
    Figure: Importing a map

  14. Click OK.
    The file is imported into the /templates/maps collection.
  15. Restart the IXIASOFT CCMS Web service on the server.
  16. Inform users of the changes and request that they close and reopen their CCMS Desktop to apply the changes.