CSS examples for Collaborative Reviews

The following are examples of how an Administrator can use Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to change how Collaborative Reviews look in IXIASOFT CCMS Web

Topic title color

This code makes Heading 1 titles blue:

   color: blue;

You can also use hexadecimal color values instead of generic names for colors:

color: #ffffff;

Background color shows topic status

This code gives topics that are in review or work status a different background color from topics that are in done or complete status:

.Authoring_work, .Authoring_work > .title, .Authoring_work > .body, .Authoring_work > .body *,
.Authoring_review, .Authoring_review > .title, .Authoring_review > .body, .Authoring_review > .body *
background-color: white;
.Authoring_done, .Authoring_done > .title, .Authoring_done > .body, .Authoring_done > .body *,
.Authoring_complete, .Authoring_complete > .title, .Authoring_complete > .body, .Authoring_complete > .body *
background-color: silver;

Hide topic status

This code hides the topic statuses that appear beside topic titles. It makes the font so small that nothing is rendered.

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7 { height:10px; }
h1.title:after { font-size:0px;}
h2.title:after { font-size:0px;}
h3.title:after { font-size:0px;}
h4.title:after { font-size:0px;}
h6.title:after { font-size:0px;}
h6.title:after { font-size:0px;}
h7.title:after { font-size:0px;}