Recommended practices for Content Stores

The Content Store stores all the DITA content (maps, topics), non-DITA content (images, PDF files, videos, etc.), and workgroup configuration. Content Store data is stored in an IXIASOFT TEXTML Server docbase.

Docbases must be installed on a local drive or a storage area network (SAN) on the machine where you installed IXIASOFT TEXTML Server. They cannot be installed on a Windows share or network file system (NFS) volume.

IXIASOFT recommends that you store all the docbases in a top-level folder, called docbases, and then create a sub-folder for the TEXTML Server version and then a sub-folder for each docbase so you can quickly identify and differentiate your docbases.

For example, use docbases\TEXTML[serverversion]\[usage]_[cmsver]_[pluscomment] where:
  • serverversion is the TEXTML Server version
  • usage identifies the docbase as the one used in the production or the testing environment
  • cmsver is the IXIASOFT CCMS version
  • [pluscomment] is an optional string of characters to differentiate multiple docbases used for testing

For example, if you had a production and a testing environment, you could have the following paths:

On Windows:
  • c:\docbases\TEXTML44\Prod_v68
  • c:\docbases\TEXTML44\Test_v68
On Linux:
  • /docbases/textml44/prod_v68
  • /docbases/textml44/test_v68