Download and extract IXIASOFT CCMS Scheduler files

Before you can install IXIASOFT CCMS Scheduler, you must download and extract the installation files.

You need one instance of CCMS Scheduler per Content Store.

  1. On the server, create a directory where the CCMS Scheduler will be installed; for example:
    Windows: C:\Ixiasoft\Scheduler\
    Linux: /opt/ixiasoft/Scheduler/
    This directory is represented by the expression %SchedulerDir%.
  2. Ensure that you have the following permissions on the directory:
    • Windows: Read and write permissions
    • Linux: Read, write, and execute permissions (750)
  3. Download and unzip the package:
    1. Go to the 6.6 area of the IXIASOFT Downloads site:
    2. Open the CCMS_Scheduler folder.
    3. Download the following files:
      • scheduler-<version>
      • scheduler-<version>
      Where <version> is the version of the CCMS Scheduler .
    4. Extract both of the zip files to the %SchedulerDir% directory so that the unzipped files are in that one folder.
    5. When the files are extracted, delete the .zip files from the directory.
The following CCMS Scheduler directories are installed on your server:
  • bin: Contains the CCMS Scheduler .bat files
  • conf: Contains the XML configuration files and templates
  • libs: Contains the CCMS Scheduler program libraries
  • logs: Initially empty; it will contain the CCMS Scheduler logs
  • pid: Contains the .pid file for Linux; folder is empty for Windows
  • temp: Initially empty; it will be used during processing