Optional configuration changes for 6.0

These are optional changes to the configuration that occurred in IXIASOFT CCMS 6.0.

Make the following changes to files in the /system/conf/ directory:

File Changes Reason for change
allreferences.dtd New attributes no-extract in element <refelement>

This attribute can be used to optimize the extraction of references in the custom properties, as defined in allreferences.xml.

In the default configuration, there are no changes so the change to the DTD is not mandatory.

ditaclasses.xml Removed classes for "ixiamap" and "resourcepkg"

Those two specializations are deprecated since version 4 and not used by any customer.

The presence of these values doesn't affect the operation of the CMS so the change is not mandatory.

equivalence.dtd New attribute editor-id in element <object>

This new attribute can be used in equivalence.xml to force certain object types to open with a specific editor.

In the default configuration, this attribute is not used so the change to the DTD is not mandatory.

equivalence.xml Remove the type "reviewpdf" and the object "val"

The "reviewpdf" object (from the old pdf review process) is not supported anymore. The "val" type was used at one point to manage ditaval but isn't used anymore.

groups.xml Removed group "Guests"

The Guests group is not used anywhere in the CMS configuration and is not "known" by the CMS so it is useless.

keydefnames.xml Removed default values

The default values where meaningless so they were removed.

resourcepkg_status.xml File has been removed

The resourcepkg object is deprecated and the status file is now optional in the configuration.

triggers.xml Add these lines:

<trigger apply-to="changeStatus" 
		name="Move child content when accepted" 
		objtype="map" schedule="BEFORE_VALIDATION">
		<param name="initial-status" 
		<param name="end-status" 
<trigger apply-to="changeStatus" 
		name="Move child content when accepted" 
		objtype="topic" schedule="BEFORE_VALIDATION">
		<param name="initial-status" 
		<param name="end-status" 

These triggers move the child dependencies of a topic or map automatically to a higher status (done or complete status) when you move a topic or map to one of the higher statuses.

These triggers bring Eclipse behavior in line with IXIASOFT CCMS Web, where this behavior is already hard-coded.

These changes are for files in other directories:

File Changes Reason for change
In /system/oxygen_cfg/


Changed version to 20.1 This change is not mandatory

In /system/plugins/com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd/





Also in 1.2 (com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd)

  • Moved the constraint name "topic hrefConstraints-c" from constraint-href-global.mod to constraint-href-topic.mod
  • Created "map hrefConstraints-c" in constraint-href-map.mod
  • Added "&map-constraints;" in IxiaMap-drm.dtd

The name of the constraint was not correctly defined as per DITA standards and it was missing in IxiaMap-drm.dtd.

This change is not mandatory because it does not affect the structure of the documents themselves.

In /system/plugins/com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd/ only in 1.2 only



Files have been added

These are only required if used in your deployment. This change is not mandatory.