Understanding the Access Manager window

The Access Manager window is a GUI that simplifies managing access rights for roles and users. The changes you make here are automatically saved in the accessright.xml file, so this saves you editing the file directly.

The Access Manager window is broken down into several panes. As you select actions in the Actions pane, the Conditions pane updates. If you select a condition, the remaining panes update accordingly.

Figure: Access Manager window

Table 1. Panes in Access Manager
Pane Description
Actions A list of all the actions in IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop and IXIASOFT CCMS Web with configurable access rights.

The actions that are italicized are general-purpose actions available to all users. They should not be restricted.

Conditions A list of all the conditions that are configured for an action.

Each condition contains the configuration that sets up the roles and groups that can take the selected action on an object at a specific status.

Status/Type A list of the objects and their statuses.

Each check mark configures which objects the selected action is allowed on. If only specific statuses for an object are selected, then users are only allowed to perform the action on the object in that status.

Roles A list of all the roles in CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web.

Each check mark configures which roles are allowed to take the action on the objects selected. You can select any combination of roles, groups, and users for a condition.

Groups A list of all the groups in CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web.

Each check mark configures which groups are allowed to take the action on the objects selected. You can select any combination of roles, groups, and users for a condition.

Users A list of all the users in CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web.

Each check mark configures which user is allowed to take the action on the objects selected. You can use this to give users very specific access rights. You can select any combination of roles, groups, and users for a condition.