Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

The next step is to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

This procedure creates the following two files:
  • textml_csr.pem: Certificate Signing Request
  • textml_cert_privatekey.pem: Private key associated with the Certificate; you will need to install this key on the TEXTML Server
  1. In the openssl directory, run the following command:
    openssl req -new -nodes -keyout ./CA/private/textml_cert_privatekey.pem -out ./CA/newcerts/textml_csr.pem -config ./openssl.cnf
  2. Enter the information requested, as follows:
    Organization Name Exact legal name of your organization.

    For example, ACME

    Organizational Unit Name Section of the organization. Optional.

    For example, Technical Publications.

    Email Address Email address for the certificate. Optional.

    For example,

    Locality Name City where your organization is located.

    For example, Montreal.

    State or Province Name State or province where your organization is located.

    For example, Quebec.

    Country Name Two-letter ISO code for your country.

    For example, CA.

    For the detailed list, see the following URL:

    Common Name Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the TEXTML Server. This must be the exact URL.

    For example, dita-textml.acme.local.

The CSR file and private keys are created. The next step is to sign the CSR.