An output is the target document deliverable for your content. You can
only generate an output from a map.
- For the map that you want, click
- Select Generate Output.
- In the Generate Output dialog, select the type of output to create.
Note: You only see the output types that you have the access rights for. Administrators can configure what output types are available.
- (Optional): To select conditional profiling attributes, add a ditaval by doing the following:
- Click Add Ditaval.
The Ditaval dialog appears. You can use the search to find ditavals and click the rows to get more info.
- For the ditaval you want, select the radio button.
- Click OK.
The ditaval is applied.
You can click the name of the ditaval to get a preview of its values or pick a different ditaval by clicking Modify.
- (Optional): Select any build parameters that you want to apply.
The available build parameters depend on the configuration in your deployment.
Ask your administrator if there are parameters you want configured.
- (Optional): To save these settings for next time, click Save as default.
This saves these settings as the default configuration for the selected output type.
- Click Generate.
IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator starts creating your output.
Go to your My Outputs page to check the status of the output or download it.