The catalog, root-catalog.xml, is stored outside
of the user's repository and dynamically points to the master-catalog.xml catalog in
the Content Store currently used.
It's a good idea to verify that Oxygen is pointing to root-catalog.xml.
In CCMS Desktop, go to .
Select XML, then XML
If there is already a line pointing to root-catalog.xml, close the
window and move to the next procedure. If there is not already a line pointing
to root-catalog.xml, continue with the next step.
Click the + icon below the Catalogs list.
In the Choose Catalog dialog, click the folder icon and
select Browse Workspace.
Browse to the Repository folder where root-catalog.xml is stored and
select it.
If you do not see root-catalog.xml in the Repository folder,
go to and select the Refresh using
native hooks or polling option. Give the IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop a few moments and follow steps 4-6 again.
The catalog appears in the Catalogs list.
Below the Catalogs list, click the up arrow to move root-catalog.xml to
the top of the list.
Click Apply, then OK to close the
Preferences window.
Next, you need to edit the system ids that the IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop uses to identify which DTDs are used.