The table below describes the actions available through the Access Manager in the TEXTML Administration perspective.

Note: This table lists only actions that are commonly restricted to some groups of users (restricted by role or group). Actions that are italicized in the Access Manager are general-purpose options available to all users by default.
Table 1. Actions
Action name Description Action use
AddTaxonomyTerms Right-click menu option to add taxonomy terms to a document CCMS Desktop
AddToDictionaryJob Right-click menu option to add a word to the dictionary in the Spellchecker CCMS Desktop
ApplyLabels Right-click menu option to assign labels to an object CCMS Desktop
ApproveOrRejectApproval Defines the users that can approve and reject Approvals CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Archive Right-click menu option to archive a published map CCMS Desktop
Assign to In CCMS Desktop, controls access to the right-click menu option to assign groups or roles to a specific object.

In CCMS Web controls who can assign objects/ assignments in the Move dialog.

CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
BranchDocuments Ability to branch a map, topic, image, or resource inside a branched map in CCMS Desktop. This is unrelated to managing DRM branches. CCMS Desktop
BranchImages Ability to branch an image CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
BranchResources Right-click menu option to branch a resource CCMS Desktop
BuildManifest BuildManifest output type in the Generate Output command available for build manifests CCMS Desktop
CancelApproval Ability to cancel an Approval CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Change Status Ability to change the status of a specific object CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Clone Right-click menu option to clone objects CCMS Desktop
CloseReview Ability to close a Collaborative Review CCMS Desktop
CreateBuildManifest Right-click menu option to create a build manifest CCMS Desktop
CreateApproval Right-click menu option to create an Approval CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
CreateMap Toolbar button to create maps CCMS Desktop
CreateNewBranch Right-click menu option to create a new branch for a map in the Authoring cycle CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
CreateReview Right-click menu option to create a Collaborative Review CCMS Desktop
CreateTopic Toolbar button to create topics CCMS Desktop
Delete Right-click menu option to delete objects CCMS Desktop
DeleteDitaval Right-click menu option to delete ditavals in Ditaval view CCMS Desktop
Dita2EclipseHelp Dita2EclipseHelp output type in the Generate Output command CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Dita2PDF Dita2PDF output type in the Generate Output command CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Dita2htmlHelp Dita2htmlHelp output type in the Generate Output command CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Dita2xhtml Dita2xhtml output type in the Generate Output command CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
EditLabels Toolbar button to manage labels (add, delete, rename) CCMS Desktop
EditTaxonomies All right-click menu options and buttons related to taxonomy management (Add a taxonomy, add terms to a taxonomy, delete a taxonomy, etc.) CCMS Desktop
Export Export output type in the Generate Output command CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Export [DRM] Export output type in the Generate Output command for IXIASOFT Dynamic Release Management CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
ImportImage File menu option to import images CCMS Desktop
ImportTopic File menu option to import topics CCMS Desktop
Localize Right-click menu option to localize a map or topic CCMS Desktop
Lock Ability to lock a document object CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
MergeWithAuthoring Right-click option to replace original documents in the Authoring cycle with their branched counterparts CCMS Desktop
Pre-Localize Right-click option to prepare a pre-localization kit CCMS Desktop
Prepare kit Right-click option to prepare a localization kit for the translation team CCMS Desktop
Publish Right-click option for publishing a map and its objects CCMS Desktop
Retranslate Right-click option to retranslate a topic from scratch CCMS Desktop
RevertTo Right-click option to revert to a specific version of an object CCMS Desktop
SetReviewAsDone Ability to set a Collaborative Review as done CCMS Desktop and CCMS Web
Show Preview Right-click option and toolbar button to preview an object CCMS Desktop
Snapshot Right-click option to create a snapshot CCMS Desktop
ViewAnnotations Right-click menu option to view annotations from a Collaborative Review CCMS Desktop