How can I update my schematron or frameworks in IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop?

You can copy your updates to a folder in TEXTML.


Most customers develop schematron updates in the standalone version of Oxygen installed on their desktop computer. The updates to schematron are then deployed to all users via the TEXTML configuration. The framework in the system/oxygen_cfg/frameworks/dita folder is automatically applied to all users in IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop. This folder contains your schematron in the file system/oxygen_cfg/frameworks/dita/schematron/<company-name>-rules.sch.


  1. In the TEXTML admin perspective, import the changes to the test server at system/oxygen_cfg/frameworks/dita/schematron.
  2. To pick up any changes, users need to restart IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
  3. After testing, open an OTRS with IXIASOFT Support to have the change promoted to the production server.