About the Taxonomy Terms view
Use the Taxonomy Terms view to manage taxonomy terms and apply them to documents.
The Taxonomy Terms view is where you create taxonomies and edit the terms they contain. It is also where you can insert or remove these terms from multiple documents.
It also lets you see which documents contain specific terms.
The Taxonomy Terms view is comprised of three panes:
- The Taxonomy pane shows the taxonomy
structures available for you to use. This is also where you can edit taxonomies and
create new ones. It has two columns:
- Human Readable – presents the terms in forms you can read.
- Vocabulary Term Value – shows the term as it is actually embedded in the document. Some systems are configured so that these are machine-generated and aren’t particularly meaningful to people.
Figure: Taxonomy pane - The Terms pane shows all terms contained by
the documents in the Documents pane.
- The number in parenthesis indicates the number of documents containing that term.
- Blue italic text appears when you highlight one or more documents in the Documents list. These are the terms the selected documents contain.
Figure: Terms pane – shows the terms contained in the documents
- The Documents pane displays the documents you
are currently working with. Underlined documents contain the terms that are currently
highlighted in the Terms pane.
Figure: Underlined documents contain the highlighted terms
Using the Taxonomy Terms view
You use the Taxonomy Terms view to:
- Create and modify taxonomies: These operations require additional access rights and are typically performed by information architects and CMS administrators.
- Manage taxonomy terms within document: Once a taxonomy is created, all users can add and remove terms within their documents.