Search view enhancements

You can search the Content Store more easily thanks to enhancements in the Search view.

Many of the most common Advanced Searches can be accessed from the Cycles, Document Types, and Search for panels.

For example, you can search the objects that are in the Authoring:work status directly from the Cycles panel, without having to use the Advanced Search panel.

As shown in the diagram below, the items in the Cycles and Document Types panels have submenus:
Cycles with status
To search a specific state for a cycle, you use the drop-down arrow directly in the Cycles panel instead of having to specify the state index in the Advanced Search panel.

You can also search an index, attribute, or element by specifying it directly in the Search for panel with the Search in drop-down list:

Figure: Search for panel

By default, the IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop searches the whole document for the string specified (i.e., the fulltext option is selected, as shown above). You can specify any index, attribute, or element directly in this panel instead of using the Advanced Search panel.

Note: The Advanced Search panel is still useful to construct complex searches using many different criteria.