MadCap Ixia CCMS
April 25, 2024
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Main features
CCMS-Central Connector
Main Benefits
- Publish content from the CCMS directly to MadCap Central
- Leverage the simplicity of output configuration of MadCap projects to rapidly and easily create HTML or PDF outputs
- Benefits from the hosting functionalities of Central, including advanced analytics
Feature Highlights
- Configure multiple output types to support different output types
- Retrieve or publish the output from Central
Push Map Children
Main Benefits
- When pushing a Map, all eligible children of the map are pushed as well
- No longer have to push each child separately
- Saves time and makes DRM Push a much more efficient process
Feature Highlights
- Sections for each behavior
- Shows what is going to happen at first sight
- Grid view with configurable columns and sorting/filtering
- Export the list to retain a record of the Push action
Collaborative Review Improvement
Main Benefits
- Redline with previous Approval or Snapshot, in addition to previous Collaborative Review.
Feature Highlights
- Options to filter on object types or statuses
- Grid view with sorting and filtering
Multi-language Build Manifest output
- Build Manifests now work for translated content in Translation
Create Collaborative Reviews and Approvals from Language Manifests
- Options now available in your Language Manifests
UI Improvements
Auto-complete when inserting a key definition
- Begin typing the Key name – help with sorting
Products and Libraries better distinguished in Search
- Products & Libraries distinction with their own icons
Grid view in My Outputs page
- Improving My Outputs page experience
- Better view of the report with state chips