MadCap Ixia CCMS
April 13, 2023
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 21. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-24990] When bulk removing assignments, the revision history was filled with duplicate roles. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22920] A specific customer fix related to inserting their custom map via the New Element dialog box.
- [DEV-25179] Maps failed to check in after editing the <prolog> <resourceid> when it contained xml reserved characters &, <, or >. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-25585] Redline compares failed for maps that contained keydefs. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- The CCMS Web Oxygen license for 2024 is included in this Service Pack.
- [DEV-24910] When checking in a topic, entities such as   were not retained. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-24765] Image preview did not display for PDF images. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-24708] Entity declarations were lost when creating a new instance of a topic or checking in a topic. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-24061] When a custom grid column was created for taxonomy terms, the column only displayed the name of the taxonomy and did not show the terms. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23895] A “(/indexdefinition.xml) The document does not exist” message appeared after refreshing the Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23887] When adding a specialized element to a map via the Structure view, the default attributes defined in the DTD were also added. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23325] In a previous release, child/nested topics or topics stubs disappeared when their parent topic stub was generated. This has been resolved and child/nested topics or topics stubs remain in place when their parent topic stub is generated.
- [DEV-22588] Long taxonomy terms did not fit within the orange chip outline. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22177] In the Move dialog box, users were able to click Add without setting one of the assignment rules which generated an error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-24927] This build contains a customization fix specific for one customer.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-23817] The IXIA CCMS Web appserver did not capture some SystemExceptions returned by the Output Generator. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-24709] The ixiasoft-ccms.log has improved error log reporting for the “User has logged on another station” entry and now includes the username.
- [DEV-24208] Warnings no longer appear when special characters such as / appear in taxonomy terms.
- DEV-24202] Sometimes limiting a search to a map into a specific DRM version was not found. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22213] When resizing the table of contents in a collaborative review, CCMS Web froze. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23825] When importing a map with a reference to a PNG image using the format=”png” attribute, the image was imported as a resource. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-23929] A Sorry, cannot open review error appeared when trying to open a collaborative review created from localized content. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23908] Sometimes the revision history for a map showed an entry with the system comment Map has been forked. Since maps cannot be forked, this action has now been blocked.
- [DEV-23893] A Sorry, create snapshot didn’t work error sometimes appeared when trying to create a snapshot. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23842] A Sorry, could not load the outputs error appeared when trying to open approvals created from localized content. This issue has been fixed.
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-23258] In the Taxonomy Terms panel, terms with the forward slash character / were displayed in red and crossed out. This issue has been fixed and IXIA CCMS Web now shows a warning in the Taxonomy Terms panel.
- [DEV-23881] In a DRM installation, a Sorry, could not create map error appeared when the containerparts contained exactly 998 elements. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-24003] In Structure view, the navtitle for topics now displays according to the DITA 1.2 specification for topichead or topicrefs that do not reference CCMS objects. When there is a reference to a CCMS object, either a map, a topic, an image or a resource, the title of the object is displayed.
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-23324] Creating a collaborative review failed when a bookmap chapter contained a keyref. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23486] In 6.8, sometimes a collaborative review with redline failed and the logs showed a The Output Generator failed to process the request for the output (JOBID_NOT_FOUND) error message. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23506] Creating a collaborative review sometimes failed on very large maps due to the OT processing the move-meta-entries. This issue has been fixed and the collaborative review plugin no longer processes these.
- [DEV-23897] Sometimes navtitle elements did not display in collaborative reviews. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-23726] After upgrading CCMS Web on Windows, sometimes the frameworks did not work, and topics were shown without any formatting. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23639] The Preferences setting for Change tracking colors > Different color for each other did not have any effect. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23746] Sometimes bulk changing status on topics in CCMS Desktop caused a stack overflow error. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-23393] When pushing a topic, sometimes a message appeared stating that a child referable content topic needed to be pushed as well even when it had not been changed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23338] The CCMS Web push feature sometimes had slow performance with the automatic merge. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23149] Icons for new templates sometimes did not appear correctly, they displayed as a question mark. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23141] The Reuse Content dialog only showed first-level elements from referable content topics. This issue has been fixed and all elements with an ID element in a referable content are displayed.
- [DEV-22824] When approving an Approval, users can now enter a comment.
- [DEV-22030] Videos were not visible in Collaborative Reviews. This issue has been fixed by making a configuration change in the system/conf/allreferences.xml file supplied on our Downloads site. Contact IXIASOFT Support for further information.
- [DEV-22005] When changing the status of a map, sometimes a Dependencies Preventing the Move dialog box appeared. This was caused by the system/conf/triggerswebplatform.xml configuration file not parsing the change status trigger by document type. The file assumed the same status definition for all document types. This issue has been fixed and the system no longer errors when the status for a dependency does not match what is defined in triggerswebplatform.xml.
- [DEV-23257] This fix is related to DEV-23208 which defines the keys for a localized map within the map. Performing a retranslate from source would overwrite the localized map with the authoring map and would lose the defined keys. This issue has been fixed and the localized map keys remain.
- [DEV-23208] Localized maps used to use the authoring DRM container to resolve keys. When a topic in the authoring cycle was then forked, the localized map showed an unresolved topicref because the newly forked topic did not exist yet in the localization cycle. There is a configuration change that can be added so that the localized maps in DRM have the keys defined directly in the map instead of using the authoring container. Contact IXIASOFT Support for further information.
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-23046] In Structure view, a Cannot read properties error appeared when trying to expand a submap that contained an empty keydef. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22848] Conreffing a remedy element into a troubleshooting topic did not insert the complete structure. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22758] Users were not able to push a topic when it was reused in a branch that was hidden by DRM Content Level Security. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22745 DEV-22330] SSO installations will no longer see the username and password Sign In fields on the CCMS Web homepage. Users can append /admin to the end of the URL to make these fields visible if needed.
- [DEV-22558] Large output jobs did not return outputs to the CCMS Web client even with an increase in the memory allocated to the Output Generator. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22344] Collaborative reviews with the redline option selected sometimes failed due to a referable content reference that had been removed from a topic. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-23031] User comments that were entered in CCMS Desktop and contained special characters such as quote, apostrophe, and ampersand, did not display correctly in the CCMS Web Revision History. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22959] A java.lang.NullPointerException error sometimes appeared when trying to rename a DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-22558] Large output jobs did not return outputs to the CCMS Web client even with an increase in the memory allocated to the Output Generator. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-22944] The time was missing from the My Outputs page. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22897] When opening a map in Content view, an Invalid DITA resource error was displayed for the DRM container. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22894] When editing a topic without a context map, icons for inserting images, links, keys, and resources incorrectly appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22297] When viewing or editing topics, SVG, TIFF, and PDF images were not visible. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22060] Related links added via CCMS Web were not being processed by the OT. This issue has been fixed.
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-22615] Pushing a map sometimes pushed the DRM container reference as well. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22459] When adding assignees to an existing Collaborative Review using the Move action, a Sorry, could not move error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22457] When changing the status of a collaborative review, sometimes a Sorry, could not move error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22453] The Push action only allowed an object to be pushed to another branch that was in the same release. This issue has been fixed and objects can now be pushed to branches in other releases.
- [DEV-22451] When searching for reusable content in a branch, sometimes An unexpected result has occurred error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22302] Adding a chapter to a bookmap in Structure view did not include the format=”ditamap” attribute. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22288] Video .mp4 files did not appear as topic dependencies. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21999] The Push or Move actions sometimes failed if there was an orphaned containerpart. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21859] When changing a topic status from Authoring:done to Authoring:work, sometimes a Sorry, could not move error sometimes appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21783] [DEV-21782] When adding a single topicref or mapref to a map, you can now opt to add a keys attribute as well. When adding a glossref, the keys attribute is required.
- [DEV-21780] When adding a keydef to a map, a full dialog is now available allowing you to select the type of keydef (keyword, object reference, new topic reference, external link), as well as adding the key name and definition. Key names are validated against DITA naming rules.
- [DEV-19774] The dates displayed in the Web banner were in UTC time instead of the user’s local time. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19493] Topics sometimes did not display the correct image because the browser cache was using a previous context map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22656] Some DRM actions, such as Rename, failed due to a missing primary version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22356] If a language was hidden via the system/conf/languages.xml configuration file with the authoring=”false” attribute set, the Show/Edit Image dialog displayed the default system language instead of the correct image language. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22182] Performance has been improved in Desktop when saving queries. Queries are now only saved when exiting Desktop and they can be loaded in the query history with the double-click action.
- [DEV-21993] The batik was upgraded to 1.16.
IXIa Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-22462] The conf/classpath.conf had batik file references for 1.13 instead of 1.16. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-22418] When performing an upgrade using the 6.8 installer, the Oxygen toolbar was missing when viewing or editing topics. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20402] The reuse content action only listed topic types that were referable content. Administrators can edit their indexdefinition configuration file to show other topic types. See the Configuring IXIA CCMS Web section of the Administrator Guide for more information.
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 25.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- This Service Pack contains Oxygen Web 25.1.
- [DEV-22076] In CCMS Web 6.7 SP3, values set in system/conf/conditionaltext.xml did not appear when editing topics. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21914] CCMS Web did not recognize custom defined approver roles even when given the same access rights as the default approver role. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21640] Users without the CreateResource access right can still see the New Resource menu option. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21638] If a CR was left open in a browser window for longer than the 24-hour timeout period, users could still add annotations. The annotations were not saved, and the user was not advised of the timeout until they completed another action such as a Move. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21636] The Rest API sessions command now returns the createdDateTime and lastAccessedDateTime.
- [DEV-21624] Importing and releasing content failed if a topic contained two elements with the same ID. This issue has been fixed since this is considered valid DITA and the content is filtered at the time of output using ditavals.
- [DEV-21514] Tooltips in the Taxonomy Terms dialog have been removed.
- [DEV-21333] The CCMS Web Jackson Databind libraries have been updated to 2.14.1 in order to address vulnerabilities in CVE-2022-42003.
- [DEV-21332] Custom defined date indexes did not show any data in CCMS Web 6.7. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21323] Users that were configured without a first name showed a blank assignments list. This issue has been fixed.
- DEV-21189] The DTD analyzer tool that supports the Structure map view was unable to resolve public IDs when editing maps, resulting in an empty page. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21126] Users in CCMS Web wanted element tags to use the XML names (<p>) by default instead of simplified names (<paragraph>). This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20996] A Sorry, could not check in error sometimes appeared when checking in a map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20887] Copying and pasting a table into a locked topic sometimes caused CCMS Web to hang. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20858] CCMS Web did not recognize keyword taxonomy terms. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20690] Users received an error when trying to approve a map that contained an object with approved dependencies in a read-only child library. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19139] Moving a CR from a review state back to a work state removed the Finished flag for reviewers when the Content Store had a custom workflow. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-18074] Maps that had comments in between topicrefs displayed all of the comments at the top of the map in Structure view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17628] If a workflow state contained a space, for example “Authoring:in review”, the state was not displayed in the Move Dependencies dialog when performing a Deep Status Change. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17310] In a DRM installation, the Oxygen Image Map Editor did not appear when right-clicking on an image and selecting Apply Image Map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22089] Importing a map with a ditaval sometimes created the ditaval as a resource object. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21669] Renaming a DRM version failed if the existing version name contained a leading or trailing space. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21624] Importing and releasing content failed if a topic contained two elements with the same ID. This issue has been fixed since this is considered valid DITA and the content is filtered at the time of output using ditavals.
- [DEV-21611] Editing a Build Manifest did not display all languages in the Output tab when the Content Store was configured with many languages. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21458] A String index out of range error sometimes appeared when cloning a DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21442] If a default system language was set in system/conf/languages.xml, imported ditavals did not match the default and were not searchable. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21347] Performing an advanced search using the Taxonomy Terms panel did not return any results. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21302] Importing a map failed if a topic contained a reference to an .xml file that was not well-formed DITA. The issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21169] CCMS Desktop now shows changes to assignments in the Revision History.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-21453] [DEV-21346] The Output Generator sometimes incorrectly gave Key is not defined errors in the output log for keys that were defined. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21347] The classpath.conf configuration file for the Output Generator was not updated to reflect the new version of the commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20542] Performing a redline compare on very large maps sometimes took a long time to complete. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-21879] Scheduler sent emails to users set to inactive in system/conf/users.xml. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.