MadCap Ixia CCMS
July 16, 2020
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- None
- None
- None
- None
- This service pack fixes an error with the Scheduler scripts encrypt.sh and encrypt.bat from the previous service pack release. The build number matrix lists the update for Desktop but it is for Scheduler only.
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.17.1.
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.17.1.
- None
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.17.1.
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.17.1.
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.17.1.
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.17.1.
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- None
- None
- None
- This Hot Fix updates the Log4j component in the OutputGeneratorClient for Nightbuild to version 2.17.1.
- None
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.16.0.
- None
- None
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.16.0.
- None
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-17284] User-defined keys did not resolve in topics for CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16940] After a single sign-on login was completed, CCMS Web did not correctly redirect to the Assignments page. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15892] Sometimes a nested map would not load in Structure view. This issue has been fixed.
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-16583] In CCMS Web version 6.2 SP6, users were unable to scroll in maps when loaded in Structure view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16442] The resolution of key references in DRM has been optimized to reduce the time to open maps in CCMS Web.
- [DEV-16538] When editing the Human Readable value in the CCMS Desktop Taxonomy Terms view, spaces were replaced with underscores. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16365] The frequency at which the user preferences are written to the server has been reduced to minimize the load.
- None
- None
- None
- [DEV-16385] Write performance was sometimes impacted when TEXTML had an accumulation of usercommandlog transactions. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15893] TEXTML stopped due to a stack overflow if a search query contained a large number of document IDs to search for. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14820] TEXTML sometimes had slow performance on the secondary replication server when there were a lot of log files and transactions to process. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-7642] When searching on a topic that had an ID beginning with “adj”, an Invalid Query error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-16205] If a map referenced a resourcemeta object in a keyref, the file type icon did not display in CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16193] When trying to insert a reference to a hazard statement in CCMS Web, the selection was grayed out. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16108] The CCMS Web CreateTicketOnStatusChangeTrigger failed when special characters that were not UTF-8 were used in the XML content. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15908] The CCMS Web Oxygen license for 2021 is included in this Service Pack.
- [DEV-15764] In CCMS Web, the trademark element was not visible when previewing a topic, only when editing a topic. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15521] Long map titles plus long branch names caused CCMS Web to truncate the top menu and breadcrumb display in the map editor. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15317] In CCMS Web, sometimes the Insert Element option did not show a list of elements to select. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15264] If an output in CCMS Web failed, the log zip file could not be opened if it contained only the log file and no content. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15108] After inserting a newly created SVG image into a topic in CCMS Web, the thumbnail was not created. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15996] If a map was open in DITA Map view and a user performed a Clear Map action, the Validate Links option remained grayed out after opening a new map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15904] When adding a new row in the Relationship Table Editor perspective, rows were added at the top of the table and not at the insertion point. This issue has been fixed. A workaround is to refresh the map which will show the correct location of the newly inserted row.
- [DEV-15695] A blank error message appeared when localizing multiple languages from a snapshot. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16337] When viewing the dependencies of a container in a DRM deployment, a An error occurred while computing dependencies error was sometimes displayed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15706] In the DRM Synchronization perspective, sometimes when trying to merge a topic that did not have any changes between versions, a Merge Objects has encountered a problem error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15137] In a DRM deployment, adding a library as a sub-library sometimes failed with a There are products with different versions found error message. Users were sometimes unable to manually resolve the reported conflicts. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15917] When generating output in CCMS Web, some user parameters that were pre-defined did not appear in the Generate Output dialog box. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15645] When generating a redline PDF using OT 3.5.2, the log reported a java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> error message. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14871] The Scheduler assignation_ticket.xsl configuration file had UTF8-BOM instead of UTF-8 encoding. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Documentation on how to upgrade service packs is available on our website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-15432] In a DRM deployment, users were unable to search for and insert a conref into a topic using CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15409] In CCMS Web, inserting conrefs, cross-references, and related links was only available to users in the Advanced Users group. These features are now available for the Contributor role as well.
- [DEV-15316] After checking in a topic in CCMS Web, editing icons were clickable and the topic could be edited even though the Check In button was not available. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15253] The email ticket trigger was missing the context map information for new assignments. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15171] Some maps were not found when searching for a context map in the advanced search panel in CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14758] If a topic was at an end state and the parent DRM version was closed, users were able to change the topic status in CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed and the change status action is prevented.
- [DEV-14234] When editing a topic and inserting a conref that is a table element, a validation error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13859] Pressing the Enter key after an existing table within a topic, created an invalid table. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13787] When a change status failed in CCMS Desktop due to a custom trigger, a detailed error message appeared. In CCMS Web the same operation failed with a generic “Sorry the move did not work” error message. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15362] In CCMS Desktop, fields in the Properties view were blank when it was positioned in the same group as the DITA Map view. This issue has been fixed and the Properties view is now located in a separate group.
- [DEV-15275] When localizing content, sometimes “An exception occurred while overwriting the XML content” error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-15252] The email ticket trigger was missing the context map information for new assignments. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14835] Editing an image directly in CCMS Desktop and then performing the Localize action did not update the image correctly in the local workspace. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14745] If a map was referenced in another map as a cross-reference instead of as a dependency, the Validate Links action reported the map as out-of-scope. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14129] When using a pivot localization language, the reference PDF in the originals.zip file was created in the authoring language instead of the pivot language. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14886] When importing images with the “Images have unique names” checkbox selected, the images imported without a DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
- None
- None
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DOC-475] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-15086] In 6.2 CCMS Desktop, double-clicking on an annotation for a Collaborative Review displayed a “This annotation does not contain the topic id so it can not open” error message. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14984] If a custom trigger returned an unexpected error, CCMS Web became unstable. This issue has been fixed.
- None
IXIA Dynamic Release Management
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- 6.2 Service Pack 3 contains a new feature, Document Content View.
- [DEV-14933] In a DRM deployment, the release action in CCMS Web failed with a “Cannot check in” error message if a map contained an invalid keyref. This issue has been fixed.
- None
IXIA Dynamic Release Management
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-14883] The 6.2 Scheduler /conf/classpath.conf configuration file contained invalid characters. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-14517] When creating an image in CCMS Web, the configuration default for translate=”yes” was not applied. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14502] The CCMS Web search did not search the description of a template, it only searched the title. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14278] When attempting to open a map with topic stubs, a blank page appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14187] If maps had a different workflow than topics, a Sorry, move didn’t work error message appeared when moving a topic from Authoring:done to Authoring:work. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13916] A Google Chrome Sign in dialog box appeared if the CCMS Web session was left idle. This issue has been fixed and users are now redirected to the CCMS Web login page.
- [DEV-13915] When a search was performed, the browser page was blank and there was no indication that the search was being performed. This issue has been fixed and a spinner is now displayed.
- [DEV-11175] When adding an annotation to a footnote in a Collaborative Review, the text was highlighted but the annotation was not added. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14706] In CCMS Desktop, the Assign To dialog box has been enhanced to match the functionality of CCMS Web. Users can now select the assignment rule allowing an assignment to be marked as finished if everyone is finished or if at least one person is finished.
- [DEV-14561] [DEV-6744] A blank entry was created in the revision history when performing a Publish action on a map that included a topic referencing elements from another topic. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14495] With concurrent localization, if an element such as a <prereq> contained paragraphs with text but no text itself, the CCMS did not recognize changes to be translated and topics were set to Localization:review instead of Localization:tb translated. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14320] Importing a topic or a map a second time with the Update existing documents checkbox selected created invalid content in the CCMS if the doctype was changed in between imports. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-3749] Maps or topics would sometimes lose their ID after being released. In this scenario, the release will now fail and the DITA_CMS.log file in the workspace will contain details of the error that can be sent to IXIASOFT Support.
IXIA Dynamic Release Management
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-14672] In the 6.2 Output Generator, the .res files were not correctly extracted. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-14570] The Batik JAR files in the classpath.conf configuration file were not updated to reflect new filenames. This issue has been fixed. Also, entries for js.jar and pdf-transcoder.jar have been removed since they are no longer included in the package.
- None
Known Issues
- [DEV-13673] Installing CCMS Web on a Linux system fails when it is installed in a folder different from the default and the service account is different from root. As a workaround, update the source/linux/TomcatInitTemplate file and change line 13 to:
/sbin/runuser -l $username -c $pathToTomcat/bin/startup.sh
You can then rerun the installer. - [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-14104] If the web browser was resized and a topic was edited by clicking the More Options button, the topic did not open on the first attempt. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13949] The CCMS Web Assignments page was blank when an object included a deprecated role as part of its assignments. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13924] Clearing the Advanced Search filters did not remove the Assignment filters. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13793] Topic creation failed if the map did not have the version.filename custom property. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13673] Installing CCMS Web on a Linux system failed when it was installed in a folder different from the default and the service account was different from root. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13672] CCMS Web did not load when using the Internet Explorer browser. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12315] When SCCM is used to manage Windows updates on the server, the CCMS Web installation script fails when setting the Oxygen license. This is because SCCM uses port 8005 to download updates and Tomcat uses the same port to process shutdown signals. The workaround is to configure either SCCM or Tomcat to use a different port for updates.
- [DEV-14336] Opening a topic for the first time from a map open in DITA Map view, sometimes displayed a red X in the editor. Opening the topic a second time was successful. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-14188] When using a pivot language and auto-translation, the translate=”no” attribute was inherited and prevented the translation of elements to the third language. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13914] CCMS Desktop sometimes had performance issues when right-clicking on a map in DITA Map view and clicking Sub-tree > Release. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13665] Using the Select in map action from the Search Results view, the selected topic was displayed twice in the map in DITA Map view. Users had to restart CCMS Desktop for the map to display correctly. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13475] For an image that was localized and set to Localization:done (or equivalent end status), editing the image in the authoring cycle and localizing it again did not show the updated image in the localization kit. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13474] When localizing an image that was previously localized, the CCMS would sometimes export the previous image in the localization kit and use the old image metadata when importing the localized images. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13349] Some SVG images appeared blacked out in CCMS Desktop. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13163] After doing a synchronization between two DRM versions, Build Manifest objects belonged to more than one DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13126] The localization Prepare Kit action now updates the local user’s cache for each object to make sure the kit is up to date from the TEXTML server.
- [DEV-12927] The 6.1 Output Generator sometimes failed to return output to the client without an error message. The Error Log view showed a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE error. This issue has been fixed by adding the string
-Dcom.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts=2:60000:500:7 to the eclipse.ini file. - [DEV-12058] Sometimes when bulk selecting objects to change status, a Cannot change status” dialog box appeared when some of the topics were child dependencies of other topics. This This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11977] When localizing a map with incremental localization, if a topic had changed but the parent map did not and they were not at an end state, the localization status of the parent map was not cascaded. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-8351] If an Output Generator Output Format had a lot of user properties, the Generate Output dialog box display was truncated and users could not see the full list. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Dynamic Release Management
- [DEV-13076] Renaming large DRM versions causes Java heap errors when the maximum allocated memory is set to 2G or less. Before performing large operations such as renaming or cloning DRM versions, it is recommended to restart CCMS Desktop to clear the cache.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13837] There was a typo in the classpath.conf file for the 6.1 and 6.2 Output Generator. The entry wrapper.java.classpath.15=../libs/ant-jsh-1.10.7.jar should have been wrapper.java.classpath.15=../libs/ant-jsch-1.10.7.jar. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13691] The Output Generator data/commontargets-deprecated.xml configuration file was missing the ixiasoft.addingchunkatt target. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13687] When creating a Collaborative Review using a customized Output Generator, a “NoSuchMethodError:org.appache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory” error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- [DEV-13902] When migrating content between two DRM systems, TEXTML sometimes stopped. This issue has been fixed.
Known Issues
- [DEV-13673] Installing CCMS Web on a Linux system fails when it is installed in a folder different from the default and the service account is different from root. As a workaround, update the source/linux/TomcatInitTemplate file and change line 13 to:
/sbin/runuser -l $username -c $pathToTomcat/bin/startup.sh
You can then rerun the installer. - [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-13468] When switching between maps in CCMS Web, the map view did not update the list of topics in the map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13409] When a document was forked in CCMS Web, the revision for the custom property clonedFrom was set incorrectly. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13108] The CCMS Web installation script failed with a “Cannot connect to the DB” error message if a Content Store had SSL security enabled. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13081] If a map was deleted in CCMS Desktop and a user had previously generated output on the map in CCMS Web, refreshing the CCMS Web My Outputs page caused a blank screen. This issue has been fixed and the map is listed as deleted and the download link for the output is not active.
- [DEV-12911] When expanding folders in the Favorites view using the Safari browser on a MAC, text overlapped. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12891] When generating output in CCMS Web in a Standard deployment, existing ditavals did not display for the user to select. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12658] CCMS Web did not retain the context map when a topic was left locked and not checked in. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12657] When a change status failed in CCMS Web due to a custom trigger, the error message was generic and did not provide information about what caused the failure. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12639] When trying to insert a cross-reference in a topic in CCMS Web and clicking Search to see all topics in the context map, topics from parent branches were listed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12638] In a DRM deployment, when trying to insert a cross-reference in a topic in CCMS Web and clicking Search to see all topics in the context map, topics in sub-libraries were not listed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12637] When editing a topic in CCMS Web that is in a library and used by a top-level map in a product, the top-level map was not offered as a context map.
- [DEV-12636] In CCMS Web, the Referenced By filter of the Dependencies view did not display parent maps from other libraries. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12630] When copying and pasting a set of cells from Microsoft Excel into a table in CCMS Web, the content was converted to a base64 embedded image. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12609] When using CCMS Web on a MAC, the typed characters were cut off when creating a new Favorites folder. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12501] When generating output in CCMS Web in a Standard deployment, existing ditavals did not display for the user to select. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12430] The CCMS Web installation program failed if Kerberos authentication was enabled. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12311] The CCMS Web dependencies did not display all values for objects created using Create New Instance action in the desktop client or objects created using the Fork action in web client. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12180] If the system/conf/roles.xml configuration file contained a reference to the Build Manifest object type, CCMS Web would not start. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11218] In some DRM deployments, CCMS Web became unresponsive when locking a map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10028] In CCMS Web, assignments did not display when a user was configured with the same e-mail address for two different usernames. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6349] If a reviewer added an annotation in a Collaborative Review to a space between words, writers were unable to view the annotation in CCMS Desktop. When double-clicking the annotation a “This annotation does not contain the topic id so it can not open” error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13320] Keys that were defined in a submap did not resolve correctly in DITA Map view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13316] When a map was open in DITA Map view and a user clicked Select In Map on a topic, the CCMS went into an infinite loop. This affected maps that had <keydef> elements that referenced submaps. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13300] In CCMS Desktop, when trying to delete an image that had a parent Snapshot, Collaborative Review, or Approval, the error message that appeared did not give a clear indication of the parent. This issue has been fixed and the Locate button now also displays the parents in the Search Results view.
- [DEV-13290] When releasing a topic, CCMS Desktop sometimes failed to check in the changes and the Revision History showed two release entries for one version. Instead of completing the release, an error message now appears stating “Cannot release: property isXmlDocumentModified is corrupted. Contact your System Administrator to send the logs to IXIASOFT and try the Release action again”. Users can click Help > Report CCMS Issue and have the logs sent to IXIASOFT.
- [DEV-3164] If an authoring map was changed by moving or removing topics, the Build Manifest output for the localized version of the map was based on the topics in the authoring map. It did not match the structure of the localized map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13106] In CCMS Desktop, when there was a view opened in fast view mode and a user clicked an icon on the Oxygen toolbar, the editor window closed. This issue is fixed.
- [DEV-12945] In CCMS Desktop, clicking the Locate button in a warning or error dialog box did not automatically close the dialog box. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12761] The auto-translate feature for the concurrent localization method sometimes incorrectly added English content to the localized topic. If a block element had an attribute change in authoring and its structure, such as the number of text elements, was different between the translation and the source, it would end up with only its inline elements auto-translated. This issue has been fixed and the entire block element is NOT auto-translated.
- [DEV-12759] When importing images into CCMS Desktop using File > Import > IXIASOFT CCMS > Import Images With Multiple Formats, the CCMS sometimes stopped working. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12747] Retranslate from Source was retranslating from the incorrect authoring revision. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12656] Localizing maps with a lot of parent references sometimes caused Java heap errors. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12640] In a standard deployment, maps with many submaps were slower to load since 5.2. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12496] When selecting an output type in the Generate Output dialog box in CCMS Desktop, the dialog took a long time to refresh if there were a lot of ditaval files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12486] In CCMS Desktop, the content of the different panels in the Documents view was automatically loaded when the client was started which sometimes caused performance issues. This issue has been fixed and each section is only loaded when expanded.
- [DEV-12460] In CCMS Desktop, when performing a Replace with Server Revision for an object that was locked and modified, the Dependencies view was not updated. For example, after adding a topic to a map and then reverting the addition, the Dependencies view still showed the topic as a child of the map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12440] The Retranslate from Source menu option was grayed out when right-clicking on an image. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12278] When branching a topic in a Standard deployment, an error appeared stating “An error occurred while updating references to a branched document. Changes will be discarded”. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12188] Users were unable to clone topics when the title contained < or & characters. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12168] Changing an object status from an end state to a beginning state took an excessive amount of time. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11862] In a Standard deployment, users were able to publish a map without entering a tag even though tags were configured as mandatory in the system/conf/publishtags.xml configuration file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11605] When localizing a map using the concurrent localization method with XLIFF outputs, some translate attributes were not set correctly. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-7543] Pre-localization kits for the Concurrent localization method included PDF outputs. This issue has been fixed and PDFs are only included with a regular localization kit.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contained JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files were renamed to .jpg. This caused an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Dynamic Release Management
- [DEV-12696] In a DRM deployment, users were unable to insert a cross-reference to a topic that existed in multiple versions when one of those versions was a different instance. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12324] In a custom DRM configuration, when adding a container to a locked map in DITA Map view, the container was added with a keyref instead of an href. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12299] In a DRM deployment, re-importing an image with a hyphen in the filename caused the portion of the filename after the hyphen to be discarded and the incorrect image was overwritten. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11820] When comparing two DRM versions, conflicts were shown for maps when the only difference was the container reference. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11008] When exporting a map in DRM, the format=”ditamap” was missing on the ditamap keydef. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9687] In a DRM deployment, users were able to execute simultaneous Create New Instance actions on a map which created two maps with the same primary version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6939] Renaming a DRM version failed if the current version name had a trailing space. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13286] The Output Generator now natively supports SVG and MathML images both as markup in a topic and as embedded images in a topic when using Apache FOP as the PDF processor. In previous releases the images were converted to PNG before being sent to FOP..
- [DEV-13171] Some libraries were missing from the Output Generator conf/classpath.conf configuration file. This issue has been fixed. The numbering has changed in the main classpath.conf file, so customers who have added their own library should re-number them in their conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file.
- [DEV-13153] Using the 6.1 Output Generator on a Content Store with SSL enabled, the wrapper.log file showed an “Unable to connect to Server” error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13119] The Output Generator packager failed when a map from a snapshot referenced a ditavalref containing keyref attributes. For example, <ditavalref format=”ditaval” keyref=”uma1564153361708″ processing-role=”resource-only”/>. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12937] The Output Generator did not delete files in the temp folder when debug mode was turned off.
- [DEV-12917] The 6.1 Output Generator had a memory leak that sometimes prevented outputs from being returned to the client. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12881] Uncommenting the env.AHF_OPT property entry in the Output Generator outgen-init-client.xml, caused the property ${outgen.resources.dir.client} to fail to resolve in the build.properties file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12481] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, any customizations using the XSLT Ant task showed a “Fatal error during transformation” error in the wrapper.log file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12432] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, the Redline compare feature was not working and resulted in a “The system could not produce the requested output” error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12428] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, the CCMS Web Collaborative Review did not display SVG files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12391] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, users were unable to generate output. The wrapper.log showed a “taskdef class com.ixiasoft.outputgenerator.antTasks.images.ImageExportExtension cannot be found” error. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-12615] The Scheduler Daily Activity Report did not correctly display the title for topics authored in Japanese. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12882] In CCMS Web, when searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics were returned in the search when the search results were sorted by Relevance. This issue has been fixed.
Known Issues
- [DEV-13673] Installing CCMS Web on a Linux system fails when it is installed in a folder different from the default and the service account is different from root. As a workaround, update the source/linux/TomcatInitTemplate file and change line 13 to:
/sbin/runuser -l $username -c $pathToTomcat/bin/startup.sh
You can then rerun the installer. - [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar