MadCap Ixia CCMS
November 24, 2022
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-21914] CCMS Web did not recognize custom defined approver roles even when given the same access rights as the default approver role. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22124] The batik was upgraded to 1.16.
- [DEV-22356] If a language was hidden via the system/conf/languages.xml configuration file with the authoring= »false » attribute set, the Show/Edit Image dialog displayed the default system language instead of the correct image language. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-22182] Performance has been improved in Desktop when saving queries. Queries are now only saved when exiting Desktop and they can be loaded in the query history with the double-click action.
- [DEV-22089] Importing a map with a ditaval sometimes created the ditaval as a resource object. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21993] The batik was upgraded to 1.16.
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-21933] Scheduler sent emails to users set to inactive in system/conf/users.xml. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-22076] In CCMS Web 6.7 SP3, values set in system/conf/conditionaltext.xml did not appear when editing topics. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21939] This service pack replaces the Tomcat component with version 9.0.73.
- [DEV-21636] The Rest API sessions command now returns the createdDateTime and lastAccessedDateTime.
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-21739] The CCMS Web Oxygen license for 2023 is included in this Service Pack.
- [DEV-21640] Users without the CreateResource access right were able to see the New Resource menu option. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21638] If a CR was left open in a browser window for longer than the 24-hour timeout period, users could still add annotations. The annotations were not saved, and the user was not advised of the timeout until they completed another action such as a Move. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21624] Importing and releasing content failed if a topic contained two elements with the same ID. This issue has been fixed since this is considered valid DITA and the content is filtered at the time of output using ditavals.
- [DEV-21333] The CCMS Web Jackson Databind libraries have been updated to 2.14.1 in order to address vulnerabilities in CVE-2022-42003.
- [DEV-20858] CCMS Web did not recognize keyword taxonomy terms. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20690] Users received an error when trying to approve a map that contains an object with approved dependencies in a read-only child library. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20258] A key definition with the name Product would not resolve in the xml editor in CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21669] Renaming a DRM version failed if the existing version name contained a leading or trailing space. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21624] Importing and releasing content failed if a topic contained two elements with the same ID. This issue has been fixed since this is considered valid DITA and the content is filtered at the time of output using ditavals.
- [DEV-21611] Editing a Build Manifest did not display all languages in the Output tab when the Content Store was configured with many languages. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21442] If a default system language was set in system/conf/languages.xml, imported ditavals did not match the default and were not searchable. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-21453] [DEV-21346] The Output Generator sometimes incorrectly gave Key is not defined errors in the output log for keys that were defined. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-21879] Scheduler sent emails to users set to inactive in system/conf/users.xml. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-21514] Tooltips in the Taxonomy Terms dialog have been removed.
- [DEV-21332] Custom defined date indexes did not show any data in CCMS Web 6.7. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21323] Users that were configured without a first name showed a blank assignments list. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20887] Copying and pasting a table into a locked topic sometimes caused CCMS Web to hang. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17628] If a workflow state contained a space, for example Authoring:in review, the state was not displayed in the Move Dependencies dialog when performing a Deep Status Change. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21458] A String index out of range error sometimes appeared when cloning a DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21437] Performing an advanced search using the Taxonomy Terms panel did not return any results. This issue has been fixed.
- [dEV-21302] Importing a map failed if a topic contained a reference to an .xml file that was not well-formed DITA. The issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-21169] CCMS Desktop now shows changes to assignments in the Revision History.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-21347] The classpath.conf configuration file for the Output Generator was not updated to reflect the new version of the commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20542] Performing a redline compare on very large maps sometimes took a long time to complete. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-21189] When editing maps, sometimes the Structure view was empty because the DTD analyzer tool for this view was unable to resolve public IDs. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20996] A Sorry, could not check in error sometimes appeared when checking in a map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-18074] Maps that had comments in between topicrefs displayed all of the comments at the top of the map in Structure view. This issue has been fixed.
- None
IXIA Output Generator
- None
IXIA Scheduler
- None
- None
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.
Important Notes
- Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
- This build includes Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Web and supports up to Oxygen 24.1 for CCMS Desktop. The minimum version supported for Desktop is Oxygen XML Editor 20.1. More details are in the Provisioning Requirements of our website.
Note: More recent or older versions might work, but IXIASOFT cannot guarantee their compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-20890] When editing a topic, sometimes track changes were not enabled by default even if enabled in the configuration. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20813] The 6.6 SP4 CCMS Web Linux installation script changed the case for the Imagemeta.mod and MultiStream.mod DTD configuration files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20727] This service pack updates Apache Commons Text to version 1.10.0.
- [DEV-20712] Users with a mixed case username in system/conf/users.xml were unable to download outputs in CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20623] This service pack replaces the Tomcat component with version 9.0.67.
- [DEV-20602] Generating a Collaborative Review with a redline sometimes failed when the map had deleted topics. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV–20531] If a user connected to their identity provider using a method other than a password, for example a pin code, the authentication with the CCMS failed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20267] If a user had a mixed case username, they were unable to view their outputs. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20211] Opening a map with a circular reference sometimes caused an out of memory condition for CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20138] The ixia_locid attributes were added only during Release, not during Change Status. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20059] The Revision History in CCMS Web sometimes did not match entries in CCMS Desktop. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20053] The Oxygen license server was upgraded to a version that no longer uses Log4j.
- [DEV-20030] [DEV-20027] A blank page was displayed when logging into CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20028] In CCMS Web, creating a new instance on a map in a DRM library created the version file with the <version> tag instead of the correct <libversion> tag. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19964] When TEXTML became unavailable, CCMS Web was not able to reconnect when it recovered. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19682] If the web browser was minimized, sometimes the Insert button was not visible after searching in the Insert Image window. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19653] The installation script for CCMS Web 6.6 changed the case for the Imagemeta.mod and MultiStream.mod DTD configuration files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19639] Topics with empty elements did not open in CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19630] When reverse proxy was enabled, the CCMS Web service was not able to start. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19517] Setting a conref topic to resource-only removed icons such as open, reorganize, and delete. This issue has been resolved.
- [DEV-19479] When doing a Deep Status Change on a map, some topics were not listed in the Move Dependencies dialog box because of DRM Content Level Security settings. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19472] Checking in a map with empty topic href, correctly displayed a cannot check in error message. However, subsequent actions such as doing a second check in action, logged the user out of CCMS Web. This issue has been fixed and users are no longer logged out.
- [DEV-19294] If a task model used a non-standard element order, the Manual Update operation, from the Manage Instance dialog, failed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19076] Exporting an SVG in CCMS Web saved the file with the extension SVG+XML. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-18237] In a Standard installation, in the Advanced Search panel, the Context Map drop-down list was empty. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17536] When opening a large map using the View topic content mode, CCMS Web sometimes hung instead of displaying the This mode is unavailable for documents with more than 100 references for performance reasons error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17525] CCMS Web displayed an error message when opening a topic with a table that contained tgroup element with a conkeyref attribute. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17435] When a user had a Web session open and then logged in again on a different browser, the original session was still displayed as active in the API. This has been fixed.
- [DEV-20878] When adding a library in CCMS Desktop, versions at Authoring:delivery did not appear in the Select Versions dialog box. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20636] If a localized topic was missing a language code, the localization kit failed. This issue has been fixed and the language code is taken from the parent map.
- [DEV-20629] If an existing localized topic was missing a language code, the Localize action failed. This issue has been fixed and the language code is taken from the parent map.
- [DEV-20621] Sometimes the concurrent localization model in release 5.2 did not auto-translate portions of a topic. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19929] When importing a map that contained a ditavalref and the “Update existing documents” checkbox was selected, a “cannot resolve” error appeared even though the map still imported. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19907] With the concurrent localization method, context PDF documents were generated when the context.document.type setting was blank in the system/conf/localizationmanager.xml file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-17369] When Importing SVGs with external links, an Unable to import image error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Output Generator
- [DEV-20458] The DTD changes that were made in the build manifest and images files were not applied to the Output Generator configuration. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20254] The encryption tool did not return the correct encrypted password. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-20124] The classpath.conf file pointed to incorrect versions of some libraries, causing issues with image preprocessing. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19906] Generating a Collaborative Review failed when a map contained a submap with the chunk attribute. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19812] When generating outputs from large snapshots, an Unable to process document error message sometimes appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-18819] Using copy-to and chunk attributes in maps generated errors in Collaborative Reviews. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-16062] Performing a redline for a Collaborative Review sometimes failed for inline elements. This issue has been fixed.
IXIA Scheduler
- [DEV-18939] Scheduler sometimes sent empty Activity Reports. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-19291] TEXTML searches sometimes had slow response times on Linux systems. This issue has been fixed.
Known Issues
- Opening maps with Oxygen DITA Map Editor using version 23 showed File not found validation errors for topicrefs. This happens the first time you open a map because the content is not synchronized to your workspace. If you open with XML Editor with resolved topics, the errors clear. To prevent performance issues downloading all the content to the user’s workspace, this issue will not be fixed in CCMS Desktop.