MadCap Ixia CCMS
March 26, 2020
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- None
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- None
- This Hot Fix updates the Log4j component in the OutputGeneratorClient for Nightbuild to version 2.17.1.
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Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.16.0.
- None
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- This service pack replaces the Log4j Apache logging component with version 2.16.0.
- None
- None
Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-13949] The CCMS Web Assignments page was blank when an object included a deprecated role as part of its assignments. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13673] Installing CCMS Web on a Linux system failed when it was installed in a folder different from the default and the service account was different from root. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13468] When switching between maps in CCMS Web, the map view did not update the list of topics in the map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13108] The CCMS Web installation script failed with a “Cannot connect to the DB” error message if a Content Store had SSL security enabled. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13081] If a map was deleted in CCMS Desktop and a user had previously generated output on the map in CCMS Web, refreshing the CCMS Web My Outputs page caused a blank screen. This issue has been fixed and the map is listed as deleted and the download link for the output is not active.
- [DEV-12911] When expanding folders in the Favorites view using the Safari browser on a MAC, text overlapped. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12639] When trying to insert a cross-reference in a topic in CCMS Web and clicking Search to see all topics in the context map, topics from parent branches were listed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12638] In a DRM deployment, when trying to insert a cross-reference in a topic in CCMS Web and clicking Search to see all topics in the context map, topics in sub-libraries were not listed. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12637] When editing a topic in CCMS Web that is in a library and used by a top-level map in a product, the top-level map was not offered as a context map.
- [DEV-12636] In CCMS Web, the Referenced By filter of the Dependencies view did not display parent maps from other libraries. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12315] When SCCM is used to manage Windows updates on the server, the CCMS Web installation script failed when setting the Oxygen license. This issue has been fixed.
Note: For CCMS Desktop, only the dropins need an update. No server configuration updates are required. To upgrade: remove your existing dropins, download the new dropins into your dropins folder, and extract them.
- [DEV-13914] CCMS Desktop sometimes had performance issues when right-clicking on a map in DITA Map view and clicking Sub-tree > Release. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13665] Using the Select in map action from the Search Results view, the selected topic was displayed twice in the map in DITA Map view. Users had to restart CCMS Desktop for the map to display correctly. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13475] For an image that was localized and set to Localization:done (or equivalent end status), editing the image in the authoring cycle and localizing it again did not show the updated image in the localization kit. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13474] When localizing an image that was previously localized, the CCMS would sometimes export the previous image in the localization kit and use the old image metadata when importing the localized images. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13349] Some SVG images appeared blacked out in CCMS Desktop. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13300] In CCMS Desktop, when trying to delete an image that had a parent Snapshot, Collaborative Review, or Approval, the error message that appeared did not give a clear indication of the parent. This issue has been fixed and the Locate button now also displays the parents in the Search Results view.
- [DEV-13126] The localization Prepare Kit action now updates the local user’s cache for each object to make sure the kit is up to date from the TEXTML server.
- [DEV-14167] The Revert To action in the Revision History dialog box is now disabled for DRM objects including libraries, products, versions, and releases.
- [DEV-13163] After doing a synchronization between two DRM versions, Build Manifest objects belonged to more than one DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13076] Renaming large DRM versions causes Java heap errors when the maximum allocated memory is set to 2G or less. Before performing large operations such as renaming or cloning DRM versions, it is recommended to restart CCMS Desktop to clear the cache.
- [DEV-13837] There was a typo in the classpath.conf file for the 6.1 and 6.2 Output Generator. The entry wrapper.java.classpath.15=../libs/ant-jsh-1.10.7.jar should have been wrapper.java.classpath.15=../libs/ant-jsch-1.10.7.jar. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13691] The Output Generator data/commontargets-deprecated.xml configuration file was missing the ixiasoft.addingchunkatt target. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13687] When creating a Collaborative Review using a customized Output Generator, a “NoSuchMethodError:org.appache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory” error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13153] Using the 6.1 Output Generator on a Content Store with SSL enabled, the wrapper.log file showed an “Unable to connect to Server” error. This issue has been fixed.
- None
- [DEV-13902] When migrating content between two DRM systems, TEXTML sometimes stopped. This issue has been fixed.
Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-13409] When a document was forked in CCMS Web, the revision for the custom property clonedFrom was set incorrectly. This issue has been fixed.
Note: For CCMS Desktop, only the dropins need an update. No server configuration updates are required. To upgrade: remove your existing dropins, download the new dropins into your dropins folder, and extract them.
- [DEV-13320] Keys that were defined in a submap did not resolve correctly in DITA Map view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13290] When releasing a topic, CCMS Desktop sometimes failed to check in the changes and the Revision History showed two release entries for one version. Instead of completing the release, an error message now appears stating “Cannot release: property isXmlDocumentModified is corrupted. Contact your System Administrator to send the logs to IXIASOFT and try the Release action again”. Users can click Help > Report CCMS Issue and have the logs sent to IXIASOFT.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contained JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files were renamed to .jpg. This caused an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. This issue has been fixed.
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Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
- [DEV-13153] The Output Generator does not connect to a Content Store with SSL enabled. The workaround is to add the keystore location and password in the wrapper.conf configuration file after line 60 where %JAVA_HOME% is the full path to the JDK that is used by the Output Generator:
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-12891] When generating output in CCMS Web in a Standard deployment, existing ditavals did not display for the user to select. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12658] CCMS Web did not retain the context map when a topic was left locked and not checked in. This issue has been fixed.
Note: For CCMS Desktop, only the dropins need an update. No server configuration updates are required. To upgrade: remove your existing dropins, download the new dropins into your dropins folder, and extract them.
- [DEV-13316] When a map was open in DITA Map view and a user clicked Select In Map on a topic, the CCMS went into an infinite loop. This affected maps that had <keydef> elements that referenced submaps. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13106] In CCMS Desktop, when there was a view opened in fast view mode and a user clicked an icon on the Oxygen toolbar, the editor window closed. This issue is fixed.
- [DEV-12945] In CCMS Desktop, clicking the Locate button in a warning or error dialog box did not automatically close the dialog box. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12761] The auto-translate feature for the concurrent localization method sometimes incorrectly added English content to the localized topic. If a block element had an attribute change in authoring and its structure, such as the number of text elements, was different between the translation and the source, it would end up with only its inline elements auto-translated. This issue has been fixed and the entire block element is not auto-translated.
- [DEV-12759] When importing images into CCMS Desktop using File > Import > IXIASOFT CCMS > Import Images With Multiple Formats, the CCMS sometimes stopped working. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12747] Retranslate from Source was retranslating from the incorrect authoring revision. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12656] Localizing maps with a lot of parent references sometimes caused Java heap errors. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12640] In a standard deployment, maps with many submaps were slower to load since 5.2. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12440] The Retranslate from Source menu option was grayed out when right-clicking on an image. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12188] Users were unable to clone topics when the title contained < or & characters. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11862] In a Standard deployment, users were able to publish a map without entering a tag even though tags were configured as mandatory in the system/conf/publishtags.xml configuration file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-7543] Pre-localization kits for the Concurrent localization method included PDF outputs. This issue has been fixed and PDFs are only included with a regular localization kit.
- [DEV-12696] In a DRM deployment, users were unable to insert a cross-reference to a topic that existed in multiple versions when one of those versions was a different instance. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9687] In a DRM deployment, users were able to execute simultaneous Create New Instance actions on a map which created two maps with the same primary version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13171] Some libraries were missing from the Output Generator conf/classpath.conf configuration file. This issue has been fixed. The numbering has changed in the main classpath.conf file, so customers who have added their own library should re-number them in their conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file.
- [DEV-13164] If an authoring map was changed by moving or removing topics, the Build Manifest output for the localized version of the map was based on the topics in the authoring map. It did not match the structure of the localized map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-13119] The Output Generator packager failed when a map from a snapshot referenced a ditavalref containing keyref attributes. For example, <ditavalref format=”ditaval” keyref=”uma1564153361708″ processing-role=”resource-only”/>. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12937] The Output Generator did not delete files in the temp folder when debug mode was turned off.
- [DEV-12927] The 6.1 Output Generator sometimes failed to return output to the client without an error message. The Error Log view showed a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11008] When exporting a map in DRM, the format=”ditamap” was missing on the ditamap keydef. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12615] The Scheduler Daily Activity Report did not correctly display the title for topics authored in Japanese. This issue has been fixed.
- None
Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13458] Customers that have set up the Output Generator to have additional libraries (jar files) for custom processing such as Fluid Topics, need to edit the numbering in the conf/client/classpath.conf configuration file to begin with either 200 or 300. For example, wrapper.java.classpath.200=../libs/fluidtopics/ftconnector.jar
- [DEV-13153] The Output Generator does not connect to a Content Store with SSL enabled. The workaround is to add the keystore location and password in the wrapper.conf configuration file after line 60 where %JAVA_HOME% is the full path to the JDK that is used by the Output Generator:
- wrapper.java.additional.4=-Djacorb.security.keystore=%JAVA_HOME%/lib/security/cacerts
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- None
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- None
- [DEV-12917] The 6.1 Output Generator had a memory leak that sometimes prevented outputs from being returned to the client. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12881] Uncommenting the env.AHF_OPT property entry in the Output Generator outgen-init-client.xml configuration file, caused the property ${outgen.resources.dir.client} to fail to resolve in the build.properties file. This issue has been fixed.
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Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13153] The Output Generator does not connect to a Content Store with SSL enabled. The workaround is to add the keystore location and password in the wrapper.conf configuration file after line 60 where %JAVA_HOME% is the full path to the JDK that is used by the Output Generator:
wrapper.java.additional.5=-Djacorb.security.keystore_password=changeit - [DEV-12927] The 6.1 Output Generator sometimes shows “Output completed successfully” but nothing is saved. The Error Log view shows a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE error. This issue has been fixed in 6.1 SP2 CCMS Desktop package for Eclipse. Users can add the following line to their eclipse.ini file as a workaround:
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-12609] When using CCMS Web on a MAC, the typed characters were cut off when creating a new Favorites folder. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12501] When generating output in CCMS Web in a Standard deployment, existing ditavals did not display for the user to select. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12430] The CCMS Web installation program failed if Kerberos authentication was enabled. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12311] The CCMS Web dependencies did not display all values for objects created using the Create New Instance action in the desktop client or objects created using the Fork action in the web client. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11218] In some DRM deployments, CCMS Web became unresponsive when locking a map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12180] If the system/conf/roles.xml configuration file contained a reference to the Build Manifest object type, CCMS Web would not start. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10028] In CCMS Web, assignments did not display when a user was configured with the same e-mail address for two different usernames. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12496] When selecting an output type in the Generate Output dialog box in CCMS Desktop, the dialog took a long time to refresh if there were a lot of ditaval files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12486] In CCMS Desktop, the content of the different panels in the Documents view was automatically loaded when the client was started which sometimes caused performance issues. This issue has been fixed and each section is only loaded when expanded.
- [DEV-12460] In CCMS Desktop, when performing a Replace with Server Revision for an object that was locked and modified, the Dependencies view was not updated. For example, after adding a topic to a map and then reverting the addition, the Dependencies view still showed the topic as a child of the map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12278] When branching a topic in a Standard deployment, an error appeared stating “An error occurred while updating references to a branched document. Changes will be discarded”. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12168] Changing an object status from an end state to a beginning state took an excessive amount of time. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11605] When localizing a map using the concurrent localization method with XLIFF outputs, some translate attributes were not set correctly. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12324] In a custom DRM configuration, when adding a container to a locked map in DITA Map view, the container was added with a keyref instead of an href. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12299] In a DRM deployment, re-importing an image with a hyphen in the filename caused the portion of the filename after the hyphen to be discarded and the incorrect image was overwritten. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11820] When comparing two DRM versions, conflicts were shown for maps when the only difference was the container reference. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6939] Renaming a DRM version failed if the current version name had a trailing space. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12481] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, any customizations using the XSLT Ant task showed a “Fatal error during transformation” error in the wrapper.log file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12432] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, the Redline compare feature was not working and resulted in a “The system could not produce the requested output” error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12428] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, the CCMS Web Collaborative Review did not display SVG files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12391] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, users were unable to generate output. The wrapper.log showed a “taskdef class com.ixiasoft.outputgenerator.antTasks.images.ImageExportExtension cannot be found” error. This issue has been fixed.
- None
- [DEV-12420] When there was more than one summary defined in the Index Definition configuration file, the summary generation process limited the write transactions. This has been fixed.
- [DEV-12176] TEXTML was optimized to make the SetDocuments operation faster by factorizing out the parsing of documents for multiple indexes.
- None
Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13153] The Output Generator does not connect to a Content Store with SSL enabled. The workaround is to add the keystore location and password in the wrapper.conf configuration file after line 60 where %JAVA_HOME% is the full path to the JDK that is used by the Output Generator:
wrapper.java.additional.5=-Djacorb.security.keystore_password=changeit - [DEV-12927] The 6.1 Output Generator sometimes shows “Output completed successfully” but nothing is saved. The Error Log view shows a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE error. This issue has been fixed in 6.1 SP2 CCMS Desktop package for Eclipse. Users can add the following line to their eclipse.ini file as a workaround:
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-12180] If the system/conf/roles.xml configuration file contained a reference to the Build Manifest object type, CCMS Web would not start. This issue has been fixed.
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Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13153] The Output Generator does not connect to a Content Store with SSL enabled. The workaround is to add the keystore location and password in the wrapper.conf configuration file after line 60 where %JAVA_HOME% is the full path to the JDK that is used by the Output Generator:
wrapper.java.additional.5=-Djacorb.security.keystore_password=changeit - [DEV-12927] The 6.1 Output Generator sometimes shows “Output completed successfully” but nothing is saved. The Error Log view shows a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE error. This issue has been fixed in 6.1 SP2 CCMS Desktop package for Eclipse. Users can add the following line to their eclipse.ini file as a workaround:
-Dcom.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts=2:60000:500:7 - [DEV-12428] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, the CCMS Web Collaborative Review does not display SVG files. Contact IXIA CCMS Customer Support via OTRS if you require this functionality.
- [DEV-12432] Using the 6.1 Output Generator, the Redline compare feature is not working and results in a “The system could not produce the requested output” error. Contact IXIA CCMS Customer Support via OTRS if you require this functionality.
Important Notes
Install and upgrade documentation is available to current customers on the Downloads website.
Bug Fixes
- [DEV-12027] Expanding the document details in CCMS Web sometimes did not display the Checked out by or Last modified by information. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12014] When performing a Fork and Edit on a topic in multiple DRM versions, sometimes a “Cannot fork and edit document” error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11841] In a Standard deployment, if a map was published and used a custom published tag defined in the configuration file system/conf/publishtags.xml, assigning the map to a user caused the CCMS Web assignments list to be empty. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11823] When expanding a map in CCMS Web, users were unable to scroll to the bottom of the map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11790] The Reuse Content icon in CCMS Web did not display a full list of reusable content. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11772] When creating an image in CCMS Web, the image was not automatically assigned to the Writer role. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11656] If the system/webplatform/configuration/webroles.xml configuration file contained a role with a status, the ForceTrackChanges option did not work. For example, <role name=”Contributor” status=”Authoring:contribute”>. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11365] In some DRM deployments, CCMS Web became unresponsive when opening a topic for editing. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11040] If a topic was included in a lot of DRM versions, the information in the CCMS Web Details panel overlapped. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10844] When editing a map in CCMS Web and clicking the Show Topic Titles icon, a “This mode is unavailable for documents with references due to performance reasons” error appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10843] When editing a large map and changing the Style selection to show the topic titles, CCMS Web became unresponsive. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10840] When selecting a layout style in CCMS Web, maps displayed topic titles twice. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10835] When editing a topic in CCMS Web and selecting the option to fork the topic, the context map did not appear after selecting the DRM version. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10834] When cloning a version, the CCMS Web logs showed a “ditamap is not a containerpart” error message. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10824] When doing a fork and edit of a topic in CCMS Web, the context map and assignments were not retained. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10820] In some configurations, when trying to insert an image into a topic that was created in CCMS Web and the parent map was created in CCMS Desktop, a “Sorry, image import didn’t work” error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10819] In some configurations, when trying to insert an image into a topic in CCMS Web and the topic was created in CCMS Desktop, a “Sorry Insert and Image reference didn’t work” error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10813] CCMS Web sometimes became unresponsive when editing a large map. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10708] When trying to insert a Visio or Powerpoint image into a topic in CCMS Web, a “Please upload an image” error appeared. This issue has been fixed and these image formats are now supported.
- [DEV-10706] After reviewing a document in CCMS Web and performing a Move action, the Scheduler was sending blank activity report emails. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10703] When editing a topic, CCMS Web did not offer a context map if the topic was in a child library. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10698] When editing a map in CCMS Web, parent topic references displayed their ID but not their title. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10696] In CCMS Web, users were able to insert <list> elements in invalid locations within a topic. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10567] When releasing a topic that contained invalid XML, the release appeared to be successful and did not display an error message. This issue has been fixed and an error message now appears.
- [DEV-8853] Performance has been improved to load the assignments page in CCMS Web.
- [DEV-8645] When using CCMS web with either Firefox or Opera, a “The performed action is not supported” error appeared when editing a topic and using the backspace or delete key. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-8446] When a change status failed in CCMS Desktop due to a custom trigger, the error message provided information about the cause. In CCMS Web the same operation failed with a generic “Sorry the move did not work” error message. This issue has been fixed and the error message is more clear.
- [DEV-6850] When creating a Collaborative Review, the review could be assigned to inactive users. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6280] When creating a Collaborative Review or Approval, all users could be selected as assignees which caused excessive notification emails from the Scheduler. This issue has been fixed and users have to be selected individually.
- [DEV-11567] CCMS Desktop experienced performance issues when opening a map that contained a subject scheme with the element <hasKind>. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11493] When importing a map in CCMS Desktop using the Update Existing Documents option, a “File already imported more than once” error appeared for topics that contained previously imported images. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11400] When using a Citrix farm with a common workspace folder for CCMS Desktop, sometimes users could not release locked documents. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11387] Some icons from the Oxygen toolbar were missing including Apply Transformation Scenario, Configure Transformation Scenario, View In Browser, Format and Indent, Check Spelling, and Symbols. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11219] Deleting content from a resource object in CCMS Desktop did not remove the file from the .res file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11159] Ditavals were always created in English even if the system/conf/languages.xml file had a default language set. This issue has been fixed and ditavals are now created in the default language.
- [DEV-11148] If a map had a key defined on a topicref, the Oxygen editor Link > Cross Reference action did not list any keys in the Key drop-down list. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10968] When inserting a custom element into a bookmap in CCMS Desktop, the element was placed after the <containerref> element which broke the map structure. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10883] When inserting a PDF as a HiRes image source in CCMS Desktop, a “The selected file could not be opened” error message appeared. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10713] Opening a map with several submaps in DITA Map view sometimes took a long time. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10677] If the metadata of an image was modified and the image was then removed from the workspace, the image appeared broken in the Show/Edit Image dialog box. Localization operations on the image would also fail. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10503] When an image was imported and inserted into a topic, the image was not resolved when the topic was opened. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10361] Some content in a pre-localization kit was set to translate=”no” instead of translate=”yes”. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10317] In CCMS Desktop, an “Unhandled event loop exception” error appeared in the Error Log view when right-clicking on a table entry. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10149] Users were able to insert localized content such as images into authoring topics. This issue has been fixed and localized content can no longer be inserted into the authoring cycle.
- [DEV-10148] When creating a ditaval folder, the New Ditaval Folder dialog box had the text “Select the parent folder” for a text input field. The text now says “Enter the folder name”.
- [DEV-10011] Documents were moved from Localization:done to Localization:do not translate when there was no change made to the Authoring content. The documents should have remained at Localization:done. In addition, documents set to Localization:do not translate no longer cascade their parents to Localization:tb translated. These issues have been fixed.
- [DEV-9853] Editing a ditaval in the Oxygen XML editor no longer used the CSS provided by Oxygen. This CSS provided the ability to use drop-down lists to set values such as include or exclude. A custom framework is now included in the CCMS base configuration and can be manually added to the system configuration.
- [DEV-9790] For an image that was localized and set to Localization:done (or equivalent end status), editing the image in the authoring cycle and localizing it again did not show the updated image. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9756] In the Ditaval view, users were able to edit ditavals at any status independent of the configuration specified in the accessrights.xml configuration file. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9750] Users were unable to compare two ditaval files. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9703] The translate=”yes” attribute was set correctly in authoring content but was not always set correctly in the corresponding localization source. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9144] When generating a pre-localization kit in XLIFF format, the root element was missing the attribute importable=”false”. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9034] When adding taxonomy terms to a map and then applying them to the map, the terms were applied in a different order than they were added. The order of the applied taxonomies would also change on a refresh of the Taxonomies Terms view. These issues have been fixed.
- [DEV-8972] When attempting to do a redline compare on a map, snapshots to compare against were listed in random order and the column headings did not allow sorting. This issue has been fixed. Columns are now sorted by the Title column and the column headings also allow sorting.
- [DEV-8881] When editing a topic from a map that used a Subject Scheme, the defined attributes sometimes did not appear as selections or existing attributes that were set displayed a “is not in the set of allowed values defined in the subject scheme “ error. These issues have been fixed.
- [DEV-8876] In the Ditaval view, nothing happened when right-clicking on a ditaval folder and clicking Clone. The folder was not cloned and an error did not appear. This option has been disabled in the right-click menu.
- [DEV-8388] The CCMS was writing images to the workspace even if the image was unchanged. This caused performance issues when editing topics with images. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-8107] Editing a ditaval that had all conditions set to exclude changed the values back to include. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-7931] When localizing a branched map an error sometimes occurred but the Localization Results dialog box did not include an error message. The Error Log view showed a NullPointerException for SequentialLocalizationManagerService.getAllBranchedFromFilename. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-7675] In CCMS Desktop, the scroll bar was not available when opening a ditaval from the Ditaval view. In order to view the entire ditaval, users had to edit the ditaval. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6483] When localizing a map that contained two topics referencing the same conref, sometimes the localization of the second topic failed with a message indicating that it was at Localization:review status. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6189] When performing a Validate Links action in DITA Map view, errors displayed the topic ID instead of the topic filename. This issue has been fixed and both are now displayed.
- [DEV-6019] If you opened one map in the DITA Map view and another map in the DITA Map Editor, it was not possible to set conditions in the DITA Map view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6010] For concurrent localization, generating an XLIFF localization kit took longer than necessary and would sometimes fail with an “Out of Memory” error. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-5929] When branching a map in a standard deployment, sometimes an “Unable to display branched map in map view” error appeared in the Error Log view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-5304] If a topic contained a cross-reference to another topic and the <xref> element did not have any link text, the Oxygen Results view showed a “URI has a fragment component” warning. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-5073] Editing or opening a ditaval in the Ditaval view did not show the associated subject scheme. This issue has been fixed. To apply this fix, existing ditavals need to be edited to re-select the subject scheme and conditions and then released.
- [DEV-4904] For concurrent localization, the exported XLIFF file contained content in <g> tags instead of the <trans-unit> tags. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-3664] Oxygen editor linking has been improved to provide key resolution when using the right-click Paste Special menu option or the Reuse Content button. This enhancement requires version 21 of Oxygen.
- [DEV-3611] Sometimes the localization auto-translation feature had content with a parent element set to translate=”no” and a child element set to translate=”yes”. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-3532] In a non-DRM deployment, users were unable to merge a branched map that contained a key in a reltable. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-3214] When cloning a topic that had a cross-reference to itself and the topic had a different ID and filename, the cross-reference in the cloned topic did not have the correct ID. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-2926] It was not possible to drag and drop an element that was not a <topicref> in the DITA Map view. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-2794] When viewing a revision of a localized image that had been localized more than once, the image was displayed but changed the current revision. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-2793] After localizing an image that had already been localized, the older revision of image still appeared when opening the image after the localization. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-2639] Users were unable to perform a spellcheck on a map using a MAC computer. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-2608] When a main map had a subject scheme map, the subject scheme map showed up in the reltable editor and it wasn’t possible to remove it or to add a reltable. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-12055] When cloning a DRM version in the Dynamic Release Management view with build 6.0.290, the cloned maps referenced the containers from the original maps resulting in incorrect dependencies. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-11364] In a DRM deployment, the Localize action failed but the Localization Results dialog box did not include an error message. The Error Log view showed a NullPointerException for SequentialLocalizationManagerService.getAllBranchedFromFilename. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10985] When trying to move a topic from an end state to a working state, an error message appeared saying a map in a different DRM version was locked and preventing the status change. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10981] IXIA CCMS Desktop sometimes had performance issues when performing DRM operations such as refactoring or adding libraries. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10559] In a DRM deployment, it was not possible to enable the trigger to automatically change the statuses of child objects at the same time as their parent. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10302] When cloning a DRM version, if an issue was encountered due to a change in roles, the clone operation failed with an “Operation cancelled” error message. This issue has been fixed and the clone operation completes.
- [DEV-9899] When doing a DRM Synchronize between two versions and selecting Merge In > Compare for a conflicted topic, whitespace differences were highlighted. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9878] Changing the primary version of an object in the authoring cycle did not update the version for the corresponding objects in the localization cycle. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9131] When refactoring a map with an associated Build Manifest, the Build Manifest became invalid because the mapref no longer existed in the DRM container. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-8904] Performing a DRM clone action sometimes caused out of memory errors. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-7457] In a DRM deployment, renaming the title of a topic stub in the Generate Topics from Stubs dialog box did not create topics with the updated title. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-6502] In a DRM deployment, the Search and Replace feature did not search within a submap. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-5085] The Dynamic Release Management panel in the Search view did not display the selected Release and Version when using CCMS Desktop with the Japanese language bundle. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-9978] Build Manifest outputs failed if the output type contained more than one preprocessor. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-8996] For an Output Generator installed on a Linux server, creating a Collaborative Review failed when a topic included a video link starting with https. For example, <object data=”https://example.net>. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10832] When a user performed a change status in CCMS Web, the Scheduler created a notification without a From address. This issue has been fixed.
- [DEV-10692] If an Approval was approved or rejected via IXIA CCMS Web, the Scheduler email transaction contained an invalid email format in the To address. This caused the Scheduler to fail to process the transaction. This issue has been fixed.
- This new version of TEXTML is required to maintain compatibility with CCMS Web 6.1.
- None
Known Issues
- [DEV-12882] When searching for multiple topics using the OR operator, not all topics are returned in the search when the search results are sorted by Relevance.
- [DEV-6756] The IXIA CCMS Web installation program does not support the following characters in the password as clear text: & ‘ “. These characters can be used if the password is encrypted.
- [DEV-6106] When importing SVG images that contain JPEG @xlink:href dependencies, the .jpeg files are renamed to .jpg. This causes an image error when viewing the topic in the oXygen editor. The workaround is to edit the SVG image to use a .jpg extension.
- [DEV-13153] The Output Generator does not connect to a Content Store with SSL enabled. The workaround is to add the keystore location and password in the wrapper.conf configuration file after line 60 where %JAVA_HOME% is the full path to the JDK that is used by the Output Generator:
wrapper.java.additional.5=-Djacorb.security.keystore_password=changeit - [DEV-12927] The 6.1 Output Generator sometimes shows “Output completed successfully” but nothing is saved. The Error Log view shows a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE error. This issue has been fixed in 6.1 SP2 CCMS Desktop package for Eclipse. Users can add the following line to their eclipse.ini file as a workaround: