Technical Quality Assurance in Structured Content
It ain’t art. At the very latest, when moving from unstructured to structured authoring, the last lone ranger in the…

DITA 1.3 Featured Article: Understanding Scoped Keys in DITA 1.3
DITA 1.3 introduces scoped keys, which represent an extension of keys as introduced in DITA 1.2. In a nutshell,…

The Elusive Promise of Content Reuse
Content reuse is one of the main “selling points” of DITA. Teams looking to make the transition to DITA are…

Scoped Keys in DITA 1.3 (Finally!)
AUTHOR Leigh White DITA Specialist at IXIASOFT DITA 1.3 introduces scoped keys, which represent a huge improvement over the key…

DITA Diversity in Technical Documentation
Keith Schengili-Roberts has more than 25 years of experience in the documentation industry as both a technical writer and documentation…