MadCap Ixia CCMS
July 10, 2018
CCMS Web 5.0
- Lite users can act as authors and create and edit a map or a topic
- Lite users can assign maps or topics
- New IXIA CCMS oXygen side panel provides topics’ CCMS properties
- Information architects can create templates and associate them with a role
- Content level security: information architects can set read and write access to user groups on DRM products or libraries
- Responsive UI allows the usage of any device
CCMS Desktop 5.0
- Build Manifest are now DRM objects, new instances are created with the new instances of their map
- Ditaval are now CCMS objects, they have statuses and a revision history
- Option to limit search to current DRM version
- Support of External ID on import
- CCMS Desktop built on Eclipse 4.7.3 framework