Filter grid columns

You can filter the columns on any page with a Dynamik Grid.

Anmerkung: Filtering is not available for columns where it does not make sense. For example, the Aktionen column cannot be filtered.
  1. Click Filter anzeigen icon.
    Tipp: If you hover over a column header, you can click Weitere Optionen icon and select Filter. This automatically selects the column for filtering in the pop-up
  2. In the pop-up, select the column that you want to filter.
  3. Select how you want to match the value you enter.
  4. Enter a value to filter by.
    The Dynamik Grid updates to show the results.
    Wichtig: Wenn Sie das dynamische Raster verwenden, um einen Filter anzuwenden oder die Ergebnisse auf der Seite Suchen zu sortieren, werden nur die geladenen Objekte sortiert und gefiltert.
  5. Optional: To add additional filters, click Filter hinzufügen.
    You can add as many filters as you want.
  6. Click outside of the pop-up to close it.