Configure roles by editing roles.xml

In addition to configuring roles through the Role Manager, you can also configure roles by editing the roles.xml file directly.

To configure roles through the roles.xml file:

  1. Open the TEXTML Administration perspective by clicking the TEXTML Administration shortcut on the tool bar. If the shortcut is not displayed, follow these steps:
    1. Select Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other
    2. Click TEXTML Administration.
    3. Click Open.
  2. In the TEXTML Administration view, double-click the server.
  3. If your server is not displayed in the view, add it by doing the following:
    1. To find the server name, click Window > Preferences and select IXIA CCMS.
      In the TEXTML Server Connection section, the server name is the Hostname.
    2. Copy the Hostname and close the Preferences window.
    3. In the TEXTML Administration view, right-click and select Add Server.
    4. In the Server field, enter the server name.
      The Port field should fill automatically. If you need the port number, you can find it in the same place as the server name in the Preferences window.
    5. Click OK.
  4. When the Connect as dialog opens, type your username and password and click OK.
  5. Double-click the name of your Content Store to open a connection to it.
  6. Expand the Content Store's Repository node and browse to /system/conf to locate the roles.xml file.
  7. Right-click roles.xml and select Check Out.
  8. Open the file in an XML editor.
  9. To create a role:
    1. Enter a name.
    2. Enter a maxassignee value to define the maximum number of persons in that role that can be simultaneously assigned to a document.
      For example, if your team includes four technical writers, you might enter a Max Assigned value of 2 for the Author role, to indicate that only two writers can be simultaneously assigned to any particular document.
      Note: Assigned documents appear on users' respective Todo Lists. When a writer creates a document object, that document is automatically assigned to him or her. Additional individuals (in any role) can be assigned to document objects through the Assignments dialog box or by right-clicking a document and selecting Assign to.
    3. Enter a topworkload value. It defines the amount of active items allocated to one person.
      Setting the topworkload to a value does not prevent a user's assignments from exceeding this number. It is only used within projects to track allocation and display a potential overallocation flag.
    4. If applicable for this role and document type, enter a defaultvotingsystem value (Single Approval, Simple Majority, or Unanimous) to define the criteria required for the doctype to pass to "approved" status.
    For example:
    <role name="Librarian" maxassignee="1">
  10. Associate a document type with the role.
    Possible doctypes are:
    • Topic to associate this role with topics
    • Map to associate this role with maps
    • Image to associate this role with image creation or editing
    • Resource to associate this role with resources
    • Project to associate this role with documentation projects
    For example:
    <doctype name="Map">
  11. Configure the timelines and statuses for the role and document types:
    1. Enter a timeline value (Incoming, Active, Retained).
    2. Enter one or more cycles and statuses for the timeline.
    <doctype name="Map">
       <timeline value="Incoming">
          <status value="Authoring:done"/>
       <timeline value="Active">
          <status value="Published"></status>
  12. Repeat from Step 7 to associate additional document types with the role and to configure timelines and statuses.
  13. Repeat from Step 6 to create additional roles as required.
  14. When you are done, save, close, and check in the roles.xml file.
  15. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes will be applied automatically once users close and then reopen their IXIA CCMS Desktop. Users can also apply the changes without restarting their CCMS Desktop by clicking IXIA CCMS > Synchronize Configuration.