Edit an existing index definition or add a new one

This procedure describes how to edit the Index Definition document so index values can be listed in IXIA CCMS, and how to include the index in a summary.


Only make changes to the Index Definition document during periods when very few users are working in the environment.

Modifying anything in the Index Definition document (indexes, reference lists, summaries, etc.) can have a major effect on the indexing process; therefore, MadCap Software recommends that you make changes to it during off hours only. Some changes may result in a reindexing of the IXIA TEXTML Server, which reduces its performance and may impede user actions.

To edit an existing index definition or add a new one:

  1. Open the TEXTML Administration perspective by clicking the TEXTML Administration shortcut on the tool bar. If the shortcut is not displayed, follow these steps:
    1. Select Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other
    2. Click TEXTML Administration.
    3. Click Open.
  2. In the TEXTML Administration view, double-click the server.
  3. If your server is not displayed in the view, add it by doing the following:
    1. To find the server name, click Window > Preferences and select IXIA CCMS.
      In the TEXTML Server Connection section, the server name is the Hostname.
    2. Copy the Hostname and close the Preferences window.
    3. In the TEXTML Administration view, right-click and select Add Server.
    4. In the Server field, enter the server name.
      The Port field should fill automatically. If you need the port number, you can find it in the same place as the server name in the Preferences window.
    5. Click OK.
  4. When the Connect as dialog opens, type your username and password and click OK.
  5. Double-click the name of your Content Store to open a connection to it.
  6. Expand the Content Store node.
  7. Right-click Index Definition and click Lock.
  8. Double-click Index Definition to open it in the editor.
  9. To enable the index values to be listed, its KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES attribute must be set to "True". Search for the index in the <indexes> section and edit the attribute, if necessary.
    For example:
    <index CUSTOMPROPERTY="True" NAME="originalFilename">
    	<stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
    			<element DEPTH="0" XPATH="//userproperty[@type='originalFilename']"/>
  10. To add the index or system property in a summary:
    1. Locate the <summaries> section.
    2. In the <summary NAME="fullsummary"> element, add a new <field> element inside <fieldlist>.
    3. Define the <field> with the following attributes:
      • Name: type the name (Name attribute value) of the index as it is defined in the <Indexes> section.
      • Type: type either Index for an index defined in the Index Definition or Property for a system or custom document property.
      • Value: type All to retrieve all instances of the value or First to retrieve only the first instance of the value.

      For example:

      <field NAME="'originalFilename'" TYPE="Index" VALUE="All"/>
      Tip: List the <field> elements in alphabetical order by their name attribute to make the list easier to read.
  11. Save, close, and check in the Index Definition document.
  12. Inform users of the changes and request that they close and reopen their CCMS Desktop to apply the changes.
The index definition is edited or added.