Define a key

In IXIA CCMS Web, you can define variables in maps and then insert them into topics as a key. You can use keys to have content in topics that will automatically change depending on what map the topic is in.

For example, you can use keys to define names for products or product features. If names change over time, you don't need to edit all the topics. You only need to edit the key in the map that defines the name. Further, if you have two maps where the same key defines a name differently, topics with that key automatically update with the correct name for the map they are in.

You can define and add keys to your content in different ways. The most common ways to use keys are the following:

  • Define the keys in the map, and add them to the topics in that map.
  • Define keys in a submap, which you can then add to other maps. This way you only define the keys once in one map, and then you reuse the map as a submap wherever you need to add these keys to a topic.
Note: If keys are defined in multiple places, keys defined in the main map (the root map) take precedence over key definitions in submaps unless a specific scope for the keys is defined.

And you must check in a map before any new keys can be used.

To define a key:

  1. In Content view for Map Editor, select the location in the map where you want to add the key.
  2. On the toolbar, click Define Variable icon.
    The Define Variable dialog appears.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the key.
    You can enter any string of alphanumeric characters, dashes '-', and underscores '_'. Spaces are not allowed. This name is used to reference the key from a topic.
  4. In the Value field, enter the value that you want to have appear when the key is used.
  5. If you want to use keys to define links (such as external links to websites), you must edit the key in the XML text editor:
    1. On the Oxygen Web Author toolbar, click Preferences button.
    2. From the drop-down list, select Edit as XML.
      The content in the Main Editing area loads in the text editor as XML.
    3. Edit the XML for the key directly:

      The following is an example of the XML for an external link:

      <keydef format="html" href="" 
      								keys="IXIAsitedocs" processing-role="resource-only" scope="external"/>
  6. Click OK

A <keydef> element is inserted in the map with the values you defined.

Once you release the map, the key can be inserted into topics.