Approve content

If the content the Writer sent is accurate and complete, you can approve or reject the final content by moving it to an Approved status.

Note: If your organization requires ID verification for content during approval, then you must authenticate your identity each time you approve or reject content.

To approve the final content:

  1. Choose one of the following actions:
    • From the My Assignments page, click Move icon.
    • On the Approval page, click Move.
  2. In the Move dialog, select Approve.
  3. Click Move.

    If the Approval process does not require ID verification, the Move dialog closes.

    If the Approval process requires ID verification, complete the remaining steps.

  4. If your ID requires verification, do one of the following:
    The steps depend on whether your company uses Single Sign-On (SSO) with IXIA CCMS Web.
    Without SSO
    1. Enter your username and password again to verify your identity.
    2. Click Move.
    With SSO
    1. Click Your Authentication Server.
    2. Log in using your common corporate credentials.

You have finished your review and moved the content to have an Approval status.

If other assigned users still need to review the proposed final content, the object remains on your My Assignments page. A check mark appears on the object icon to indicate you are finished.

If enough assigned users reject or approve the proposed final content, it changes status and disappears from your My Assignments page.