Send a Collaborative Review back to reviewers

With the Collaborative Review (CR) feature, you can send a CR back to users if you need them to re-review modified content or reply to an annotation after they marked the object as finished.

If you send a CR back, the action returns the object to all assigned users with the Review role. If your assignees marked the object as finished, sending the CR back removes the finished check mark from the object icon and makes the CR assignment active again. There is no impact for users who are not finished.

Note: You can only send an assignment back to your assignees under the following conditions:
  • At least one reviewer marked the object as finished
  • The assignment is still active for that role
To send a CR back to reviewers:
  1. For the Collaborative Review you want to send back, do one of the following.
    • On the Collaborative Review page, click Move.
    • On other pages, click Move icon.
    The Move dialog appears. The Move dialog shows all the reviewers assigned. Reviewers with Finished check mark beside their name have marked themselves as finished.
  2. Find the role for the users you want to send the assignment back to.
  3. In the role, click the Send assignment back checkbox.
  4. (Optional): If required, make any other changes to the assignment that you need before sending it back.
  5. Click Move.
The is removed from the CR icon for any reviewers who marked themselves as finished.