Compare snapshots and maps within DRM (redlining)
You can compare snapshots or maps to find the specific textual differences between them.
- another DRM version of the map
- a DRM version of a snapshot of the map
- a copy of that map in the Published cycle
- a copy of that map from a Snapshot
The additions and deletions in the comparison are highlighted in different colors. This marking of the differences is referred to as redlining. The colors are configurable by the administrator.
Changes to images in the topics may or may not be highlighted depending on the type of change made. If an image element is deleted or the image ID is replaced in the topic, then the change will appear in the redlined output. Editing the .image file itself such as adding a different format or editing the graphic will not result in the image being highlighted in the redline output.
To perform a redline comparison:
- Right-click the map and select .
- Click the checkbox next to the map or snapshot to which you want to compare the map.