Standard search operators and wildcards

Enter the symbols in search text boxes to refine your search criteria.

Standard search operators and wildcards may be used in the Search view in combination with other text in the Search for panel or in entry fields in the Advanced Search. Search is not case sensitive.
Note: The search engine ignores text that contains one of these operators. For example, the search engine sees "DITA-XML" or "DITA|XML" as "DITA XML".

Search operators

Note: These operators cannot be used in the Search and Replace feature.
Symbol Name Priority Example Description
" " CONTIGUITY 1 "DITA XML" Retrieves all documents that contain the phrase "DITA XML"
( ) PRIORITY 2 (DITA + XML) - Topic Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" and the word "XML" but not the word "Topic"
> FREQUENCY 3 DITA >5 Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" 5 times or more
NEAR NEAR 4 DITA NEAR6 XML Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" located within 6 words of the word "XML"
ADJ ADJACENCY 5 DITA ADJ4 XML Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" located within 4 words of the word "XML" in this order
- WITHOUT 6 DITA - XML Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" but not the word "XML"
Note: You must include a space before and after the (-) operator to use the WITHOUT operator. If you do not, the search engine searches for topics that contain the "DITA-XML" string.
+ AND 7 DITA + XML Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" and the word "XML"
Note: You must include a space before and after the(+)operator. If you do not, the search engine ignores it.
| OR 8 DITA | XML Retrieves all documents that contain the word "DITA" or "XML"


Note: The [ ] wildcard cannot be used in the Search and Replace feature.
Symbol Name Example Description
? Replaces one character D?TA Retrieves all documents that contain words such as "dita" and "data"
* Replaces one or more characters T*y Retrieves all documents that contain words starting with "T" and ending with the letter "y", like Technology or toy
[ ] Defines a choice Tech[,nical] Writer Retrieves all documents that contain words Technical Writer or Tech Writer